Man from Ocaña turns 110 in the middle of the pandemic: his story – Other Cities – Colombia


To be born in 1910 is to have witnessed two world wars, two pandemics, From the first planes with passengers flying through the national sky, from the time of Violence, from the first train tracks and other great events, even from the worst year in history, as some already catalog 2020.

Carlos Julio Rincón Garzón was born on December 24, 1910, in a humble home in Convencion, Norte de Santander. He says that he hardly knew his parents, because his mother died when he was just 4 years old. By that time their father had already abandoned them. At an early age he began to work. His youth was bohemian, with a guitar on his shoulder and many friends. He walked all over the south of Cesar, between parties and wages.

From his first marriage, 3 children were born, of which one died as a baby. Very soon he separated and was left alone with his two boys, until he met his great love, Doña Leonor Lozano, who became his wife and mother of his other 9 children. In total there are 12 children (3 deceased), 45 grandchildren, 43 great-grandchildren and 6 great-great-grandchildren.

Carlos Julio always dedicated himself to agriculture, until he faced a difficult time and a bank seized his farm, leaving him only the house in the La Piñuela neighborhood, in Ocaña, where he settled with his large family. There he fondly remembers his wife, who passed away more than a decade ago.

(Also read: When and where was the birth of Jesus Christ?)

Today, at 110 years old, it is common to see him standing at the door of his house, now covering his nose and mouth with a mask to remove the virus. Neighbors and acquaintances greet him with great respect and affection.

Among the countless anecdotes he has to tell, he recounts with a laugh how it was the first time they heard the noise of an airplane engine and saw it appear out of nowhere in the sky: “That was in the field, the women shouted, they threw themselves on the floor and beat themselves to the chest thinking it was the end of the world ”.

He also remembers the construction of the first train tracks in the Cesar region: “I am going to die and I will not see the train around here, I said once. But see, there was a train, it’s over, and I’m still here ”.

One hundred percent Liberal, he also suffered persecution at the time of the Violence.

Although he has great vitality and is grateful to God for his long life, it is not something that he finds very impressive. He comments that he met a man who lasted 120 years and walked long distances at the age he is now. “Here I go,” he says with his good humor.

The 110 year old man

The man from Ocaña, Norte de Santander, who will turn 110 years old in the middle of the pandemic.

Every December 24, the Rincón Lozano family gathers in the big house to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child and the patriarch’s birthday, but this year it will not be the same, all on account of the pandemic. Some will not be able to travel, and it is that the mere presence of the grandchildren already exceeds the maximum allowed in a meeting. “It is the first time that I have spent this special date away from my grandfather. My heart wrinkles from not being able to share with him in his 110 years, but it is our duty to take care of him and take care of ourselves for the good of all ”, says Jeny Rincón, one of his granddaughters, from Cúcuta.

This Christmas, those who are far away will have to resort to technology to be able to greet the ‘Condor’, as his children affectionately call him. And it is possible. His hair is totally white and his eyes are tired, but he sees and hears well. The man of the century and a decade considers the cell phone the most impressive invention he has seen.

(We recommend: The ABC of restrictive measures in Barranquilla for Christmas)

But, And what is the secret to longevity? According to Carlos Julio Rincón, you have to eat well, sleep well and not fight with anyone.

Don Carlos Julio hopes that the pandemic will end soon and wishes all the families happy holidays.

The 110 year old man

The man from Ocaña, Norte de Santander, who will turn 110 years old in the middle of the pandemic.

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