They criticize that most Colombians will be vaccinated until 2022


The representative to the House, José Daniel López, of the Radical Change Party, criticized the Government on Thursday because “Most Colombians will have to wait until 2020 for the coronavirus vaccine”.

After guarding the Ministry of Health for not giving him the information he requested in this regard several weeks ago, the parliamentarian published on his Twitter account: “That’s why they didn’t answer. According to @MinSaludCol, most Colombians will have to wait until 2022 for the vaccine, hopefully. If you are not one of the health personnel, you do not have comorbidities, nor are you over 60 years old, you would have to wait “.

López asserts that the Executive has not acted diligently on the issue: “Despite the fact that we warned about it since July, the Government did not push either prevention or action. Today we are at the level of Belize and Suriname, not of other Latin American countries. “

He pointed out that, for example, Mexico begins vaccination of the priority population in this month of December, Argentina in January 2021, as well as Peru, while Colombia would start in April 2021.

“In other words: pregnant women, students, teachers, people with fewer resources, among others, who are not part of the priority population, they would have to wait until 2022 to get vaccinated “, concluded the legislator.

And he added that Mexico would begin to vaccinate those under 60 in April 2021, Peru in October 2021 and Colombia in 2022
