SpaceX: video: SN8 spacecraft explodes when trying to land – People – Culture


A video went viral a few hours ago on social networks. The images show the moment when the spacecraft SN8, from SpaceX, finishes a test run.

Just as it was about to land (in fact, it made landfall for a few seconds), the ship explodes and his remains are engulfed in dense flames.

It is worth noting that the SN8 had a first launch attempt on Tuesday, which was postponed to this Wednesday due to an engine failure seconds before takeoff. The test exercise took place in Cameron, a state of Texas (United States). SN8 ascended around 4:40 p.m. US time, and the purpose, as SpaceX announced at the time, was to perform a vertical take-off and landing trajectory.

However, the unsuccessful landing left an impressive postcard that traveled the world from end to end.

(If you visit us from the app see the shocking moment here).

Even so, Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, assured, in his Twitter account, that, despite this last inconvenience, they managed to collect some data necessary to perfect their spacecraft.

Successful climb, switch to header tanks, and precise flap control at landing point (…) Fuel tank pressure was low during landing, causing landing speed to be high, but we got all! the data we needed! Congratulations to the SpaceX team, ”Musk said.

(If you visit us from the app see the publication here).

(Also read: Elon Musk maintains 2024 to send humans to Mars)

Of course: from the beginning the aeronautical company predicted ‘complications’ with the SN8. Hours before takeoff on Wednesday, SpaceX indicated that “With a test like this, success is not measured by meeting specific goals, but by how much we can learn together, which will inform and improve the probability of success in the future ”.

Even Musk himself announced, days ago, that the chances of success of the test were one in three.

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One of the most shocking details of the video comes from the various angles shown.

The footage is constructed from three recordings, therefore the explosion can be detailed from three different takes. Even two of the cameras freeze at the moment of the outbreak.

Only the exterior view remains: the dying fire, the noise of the crackles and then the dense layer of smoke that gradually fades away.

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