Chilean federation gives free rein to the departure of Reinaldo Rueda from ‘La Roja’


According to the main media in the southern country, the executive committee of the entity would not enforce the termination clause of the Valle del Cauca coach’s contract, the main candidate to lead the Colombian team

Every day the announcement of Reinaldo Rueda as coach of the Colombian senior team seems closer, despite the fact that he has a contract and they are still the coach of Chile.

This Tuesday, several media in the southern country, including the newspaper El Mercurio, confirmed that the board of directors of the National Association of Professional Soccer of Chile, ANFP, is willing to facilitate the departure of the Valle del Cauca coach.

According to the newspaper, “the coach spoke with Pablo Milad, the top leader of Chilean football, who clarified to Reinaldo Rueda that compensation will not be a problem if he decides to end his commitment to La Roja.”

Also read: Carlos Queiroz, Colombia and the European style

Colombia was left without a coach since last Tuesday, when it was announced, by mutual agreement, the separation of Carlos Querioz with the Colombian Football Federation, a consequence of the sports crisis that caused the defeats against Uruguay, 3-0 in Barranquilla, and Ecuador , 6-1 in Quito, on dates 3 and 4 of the South American qualifier for the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

Since then, the name of Reinaldo Rueda has not stopped ringing. Among Colombian technicians, it is the one that enjoys the greatest acceptance in public opinion and the only one that has achieved consensus among managers.

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The main drawback was his contractual relationship with Chile, which just a few weeks ago ratified him in office despite having only achieved four of 12 points in the tie, like Colombia. Now, with the approval of the ANFP, the coffee leaders will be able to make a formal offer to the 63-year-old coach from Cali, who has led since 1992.

In his long career as DT, Rueda has managed the senior teams of Colombia (2002-2004), Honduras (2006-2010), Ecuador (2010-2014) and Chile (2018-2020). He also directed Cortuluá, Deportivo Cali, Independiente Medellín, Atlético Nacional, with which he won six titles, including the 2016 Copa Libertadores, and Flamengo.

According to the president of Colf Fútbol, ​​Ramón Jesurún, “the decision must be taken quickly, but without haste, because we cannot be wrong. I have always liked Colombian coaches, but we cannot ignore the contribution that foreigners have made to our football.

He also warned that “The ideal would be to have a coach this year”, so it is expected that this week or at the latest the next the situation will be defined with Rueda, who will take a couple of weeks off in Canada, where his daughters live .
