Abelardo de la Espriella resigns to be an opinion columnist


In the article, published in media such as El Heraldo, Los Irreverentes and El Bogotano – where Abelardo de la Espriella had an opinion space – he says that now he just wants to do things that enrich his spirit.

The lawyer assures that got bored of having to text just to fulfill a responsibility, when many times he has nothing to say; he points out that this “act of rebellion” vindicates his freedom.

“The best columnist is the one who without fail sends the article on time; but that maxim, which I have fully honored, It has become a straitjacket that I am no longer willing to wear. […] I am not the kind of men who let themselves be managed by life, due to exogenous circumstances that, at the end of the day, achieve nothing, ”he writes.

But in addition, De la Espriella states that he no longer wants to be part of the journalism union that, according to him, seeks to head people off.

“I’m not saying that in the world of journalism everyone is bad, but what an unpresentable amount of shit-eaters there are in that activity! I no longer feel comfortable being part of a union in which success is measured by the number of people who head out, “he adds.

Stop writing opinion columns is part of the changes that the lawyer says he is going to make, to “be happier.” For a year he did some, like stop watching the news and listening to the radio, and his purpose now is to get out of WhatsApp “as soon as possible.”

“The cell phone is a new form of slavery that I am not willing to continue consenting to. In short, there is so much to do that we should not waste time on bad vibes and vain things, “he says.

Finally, De la Espriella says that he is not “abandoning Colombia” and assures that, although he would be “a great president”, his way of making a homeland will be with actions for the development and prosperity of society.
