Piedad Córdoba, Evo and Correa, election observers


Piedad Córdoba, former Colombian senator, arrived in Venezuela this Saturday and currently participates as an observer of the parliamentary elections together with Evo Morales, Rafael Correa and Fernando Lugo.

“Jorge Arreaza held a fraternal meeting with Córdoba, who arrived in our country to accompany the 25th election day in times of revolution,” wrote the Foreign Ministry of the neighboring nation.

Morales, meanwhile, stated in his official Twitter account that the objective of his presence in Venezuela is to defend the revolutionary process through democracy, while Correa took the opportunity to congratulate the Nicolás Maduro regime for the handling it has given to the pandemic.

To monitor parliamentary elections, taking place this Sunday, a legislative delegation from Iran was also invited, one of the allied countries of Chavismo.

“Venezuela, with the idea of ​​defusing these accusations and the atmosphere of psychological warfare created by the Americans, decided to invite representatives from different countries of the world to supervise the electoral process,” said Moytaba Zolnurí, head of the National Security Commission and Foreign Policy of the Asian nation.

Countries that do not recognize the parliamentary elections in Venezuela

The United States and the European Union (EU) are the main detractors of the legislative elections in the neighboring country. Also, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, Colombia and Ecuador will not recognize the results of this electoral process either.

Although the international community has questioned the elections, the Maduro regime hopes to win the votes to control the National Assembly, the only body of power that handles the opposition.
