What did the driver who hit cyclists in Antioquia respond?


The scenes showed how the three cyclists were going together to the edge of the road when at the moment the truck passed, ran over two of them and the third fell when he was hit in the fall of his companions.

After the fact, the vehicle was fully identified, its color and plates and even the owner’s name, which forced the driver to appear before the authorities, since there was pressure on social networks to find his whereabouts.

Mauricio Mesa, director of the SiClas collective, which promotes the use of bicycles in the Aburrá Valley, affirmed that the driver of this van must have his driver’s license taken away from him, but despite this, what the authorities did was release him because the victims did not report.

As it is recalled, the Frontier driver told the police that he was distracted thinking about arriving at a hospital where a relative of his was in serious condition, for which he did not realize that he had run over the cyclists, which fortunately They only suffered minor injuries and were discharged from a hospital moments after being transferred there for medical attention and evaluation.

“If this person loses his mind and is not able to control his emotions, he cannot drive, because he is a danger at the wheel, because he can destroy the lives of other people, that should not be an excuse,” said Mauricio.

He said that at least, the driver had to take away his driver’s license and the State, in its own way, initiate an investigation and file a complaint.

Regarding the case, the Antioquia Police Commander, Jorge Miguel Cabra Díaz, reported that the driver did not show that he had been under the influence of alcohol or hallucinogenic substances.

“This person voluntarily presented himself to the Police facilities and expressed his willingness to go before the authorities to answer for the incident, he also stated that he had not noticed the accident and that he was speeding, which justified by having a relative in a clinic, ”explained officer Cabra Díaz.

He specified that the designated driver did not arrive in his vehicle. In addition, he recorded a video with these explanations and offered excuses to his victims.

When they came into contact with those who were run over, they told the police their intention to enter and establish a conciliation with the driver, Commander Cabra reported.

He clarified that the Police placed the driver of the truck in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office, which requested the preparation of a conciliation act since it was voluntarily presented before the courts, with the provision to assist the investigating body if required during the investigation.

In statements to the Caracol Televisión newscast, one of the cyclists, with reservation of identity, announced that he would present a formal complaint of the case.

“This is not an accident, you see in the video that people see us, have time to see us, and yet the march continues and the car throws us,” said the cyclist hit, who questioned how he and his lives his companions were exposed by the attitude of this driver.

In this regard, Mauricio Mesa wondered if the driver was actually tested for breathalyzer and consumption of hallucinogenic substances to have released him.

He pointed out that behaviors like this discourage the use of bicycles and undermine the goals of the Medellín mayor’s office, to increase the use of this vehicle in the city from 1% to 4%.

“Here you cannot walk slowly, because everyone is exposed to being run over, but the city is not one of the drivers, paying road taxes does not give them the right to kill, to disrespect the elderly, women and children. that go in vehicles like bicycles, that cannot go at high speeds ”.

Recognizing that some cyclists also violate traffic regulations, he asked that cities not design roads for high speeds, because they will always put the lives of the most vulnerable people and actors at risk.

“The main obstacle for other people to be encouraged to ride a bicycle is the fear of driving, and whether they are adults, young people or women, this affects everyone.”

Finally, he insisted that the same State denounce the driver and impose an exemplary sanction, “because today there are three injured cyclists, but it could also have taken their lives and left with an apology, which is unheard of,” he warned.
