Unemployment in October | Dane reports that the unemployment rate continues to decline in Colombia – Sectors – Economy


The unemployment rate in Colombia It was 14.7 percent in October, below the 21.4 percent registered in May, when it reached its maximum level after the restrictions on activity established due to the pandemic, but above the 9.8 percent. 100 percent of October last year, when the global coronavirus crisis had not yet erupted.

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This is clear from the labor figures presented this Monday by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane).

In this way, compared to April, the first full month of confinement, and when the number of people working reached its minimum, 4.7 million jobs have already been recovered.

Bottom line was reached in April, with only 16.5 million people working, while by October 21.3 million people were already employed.

Compared to September, a million positions are recovered, because that month there were 19.2 million people employed. However, compared to October 2019, there are 1.5 million fewer employed people (a variation of -6.7 percent). That month, 22.8 million people were working in Colombia.

The 13 major cities, and their metropolitan areas, contributed -3.6 percentage points to this variation, since their employed population in October of this year was 10.1 million people compared to 10.9 million in the same month of 2019.

When analyzing what happened by sex and age, the Danish found that the greatest reductions in the employed population in the country in October 2020 were registered in women between 25 and 54 years of age (800,000 fewer employed persons) and in men in this same age range (261,000 fewer employed persons).

In the 13 cities and metropolitan areas, the highest decreases also occurred in the age group 25 to 54 years (minus 427 thousand women and minus 160 thousand men).

Public administration and defense, education and human health care It was the branch of productive activity that registered the highest reduction in the employed population in the country, with 254 thousand less than in October of last year, followed by accommodation and food services, that registered less than 232,000 employed persons, in the same period of time, and trade and repair of vehicles, with 224,000 less than in October 2019.

(Too: ‘Unemployment will top the public agenda for years to come’)

Unemployed population

The unemployed population in Colombia in October 2020 was 3.7 million people, 1.2 million more than in October of last year.

Likewise, in the 13 main cities and their and metropolitan areas, said population was 2 million compared to 1.3 million in October 2019. With this increase of 771 thousand unemployed, this geographic domain contributed 31 percentage points to the national variation .

The age group between 25 and 54 years concentrated the largest increase in the unemployed population in the country, with 833 thousand more people (531 thousand women and 301 thousand men).


In the country, inactive population in October 2020 it was 15.1 million people. Compared to the same month the previous year, there was an increase of 877,000 inactive people. In the 13 main cities and their metropolitan areas, this population was 6.6 million, 303,000 more inactive compared to October 2019.

Of the 877,000 people who joined the country’s inactive population in October this year, 696,000 were women; of that total, 365,000 were between the ages of 25 and 54.

(Further: ‘Apply to one of the 4,000 job offers in Bogotá this Christmas’).

Cities with higher and lower unemployment

The cities that presented the unemployment rates highest in the quarter August – October 2020 were:

1. Florence: 24.3 percent
2. Ibagué: 23.1 percent
3. Tunja: 22.7 percent

Tunja posted the worst performance by increasing its unemployment rate 11.2 percentage points, compared to the same moving quarter of 2019.

In contrast, cities with lower unemployment rates were:

1. Barranquilla AM: 12.2 percent
2. Cartagena: 15.4 percent
3. Pereira AM: 15.6 percent

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