Court orders the Ministry of Health to require a coronavirus test from travelers – Services – Justice


By protecting the plaintiff’s rights to health, the 11th administrative court of Bogotá ordered the suspension of the modification to article 1 of Resolution No. 1972 of November 4, 2020, with which the Government It stopped requiring, prior to shipment from the country of origin, the PCR test with a negative result as a requirement to enter Colombia.

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With his decision, the judge ordered that each of the travelers who enter by air be required to have the covid-19 test with a negative result, likewise, that they comply with preventive isolation for a period of 14 days at the place of housing or accommodation planned in advance for each traveler.

When analyzing the case, the court found that according to Migration Colombia, a daily average of 4,500 people enter the country, which would be more than 49,000 in 11 days, which “for suspected cases and COVID-19 infections, the Office finds a high risk, even taking into account that the daily influx of travelers is not the same amount “.

It was even mentioned that, According to figures from the Ministry of Health, between November 6 and 17, 219 travelers were identified as suspected cases for covid-19.

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The Ministry of Health puts the life and health of the Colombian population at risk by not requiring the negative covid-19 PCR test as a requirement for travelers entering the country by air

Despite the fact that on September 15, the Ministry of Health, in resolution No. 1627, established the obligation of the passenger to have a negative PCR test result of covid-19 for entry to the country, that portfolio modified its resolution on November 4 , eliminating the obligation of proof.

For release although it is true that the PCR test is not a 100 percent efficient mitigation measure, “it is configured as a measure and as a filter that leads to an epidemiological fence and prevent people who may have the virus from entering the country, being close to new outbreaks taking into account social interaction, the increasing number of internal trips, among others. “

The judge also warned that there is no monitoring capacity, “not to mention the precarious conditions in which the medical personnel of the health system work.
Colombian, so that Colombia’s actions would be going against the provisions of the WHO and the Pan American Health Organization.

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“The Ministry of Health and Social Protection puts the life and health of the Colombian population at risk by not requiring the negative covid-19 PCR test as a requirement for travelers who enter the country by air,” says the ruling, which continues saying that for this, “It is necessary to protect these rights, in order to safeguard the people who inhabit or transit through the country.”

Therefore, it decided to suspend the resolution with which the Ministry of Health stopped demanding said proof. The Ministry of Health could challenge it, if it considers it so, this decision.

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