It does not reach a million pesos, ANIF puts its cards on the table for the negotiation of the minimum wage


ANIF proposes a slight increase in the minimum wage in Colombia.  Discussions will begin on November 30 REUTERS / Luisa González
ANIF proposes a slight increase in the minimum wage in Colombia. Discussions will begin on November 30 REUTERS / Luisa González

Between 2% and 3% must increase, on average, the minimum wage in 2021. According to Mauricio Santamaria, president of the union, this proposal, which must be discussed together with the workers’ centrals and the government, It is consistent with the economic crisis and the country’s recession.

In statements made in various media, Santamaría affirmed that it was a union position and is destined to make clear the need for all Colombians to make an effort to overcome the economic difficulties facing the country: “At ANIF we consider that the increase in the minimum wage should be between 2% and 3%. Beyond this value, the sustainability of the economic recovery would be put at risk, in particular the creation of formal employment, highly affected by the pandemic “.

Read More: negotiation of the minimum wage will begin on November 30

In agreement with other economists in the private sector, Santamaría stated that the discussions should be held ‘dispassionately’ and for him ‘good of the country’:“There must be a fair balance between the decent remuneration of current workers and the difficult situation that a large part of the country’s business community is going through.”

In white silver

While the workers’ centrals have tried the argument of exceeding one million net pesos, the ANIF proposal would be equivalent to an increase between $ 17,556 to $ 26,600 pesos, which would round about $ 900,000 pesos for the base salary that Colombians would receive in 2021.

The national government authorized by decree a minimum salary of $ 877,803 for the term of 2020.

The bid for the minimum in Colombia will begin on November 30, unions and centrals have different figures for negotiation.  ECONOMY SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA INTERNATIONAL ROBERTO ALMEIDA AVELEDO / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHO
The bid for the minimum in Colombia will begin on November 30, unions and centrals have different figures for negotiation. ECONOMY SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA INTERNATIONAL ROBERTO ALMEIDA AVELEDO / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHO

Guilds united at the negotiating table

ANIF is aligned with Fedesarrollo, which revealed its proposal in the previous week. Not very distant from the figure of the first, a 2.5%, for the base salary.

On the contrary, the plants started November proposing a significant increase: from 13.5% for the minimum to advance from $ 980,657 to $ 1’000,000, including the transportation subsidy of $ 120,000. This would mean an outlay of $ 1′120.000 for Colombians located in this salary range.

But the unions consider that the proposal is not “grounded” with the national reality.

They affirm that the country is not prepared to carry out an increase of this type, even if it is the ideal. The underlying argument is that the economic capacity of the employers would not be in line with the economic crisis that generated the health emergency caused by covid-19.

As arbitrator, the national government only awaits the start of negotiations. The Minister of Labor Ángel Custodio Cabrera has highlighted the need for the dialogues to be constructive and reach consensus between the parties: “We are living a very difficult time. For this reason, the stage remains open to discuss and dialogue different topics. The idea is to listen to each other and find a way out for this country ”.

Read More: Minimum wage in Colombia: This is how the bid goes to exceed or not one million pesos.

If unions and centrals do not coincide, it will be the government, once again, who sets the limits that will be implemented as of January 1, 2021.

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