What is the project that says goodbye to single-use plastic in Bogotá?


Part of its objectives is to progressively ban the manufacture, import, marketing and distribution of single-use plastics. This in public entities of the Capital District.

Thanks to its approval in the first debate, it advances in the Bogota Council a draft agreement that seeks to reduce single-use plastic in the city, such as plastic and polystyrene plates, trays, knives, forks, spoons and cups, as well as straws, plastic bags, inflator pumps and plastic supports of the same.

Although the objective is to reduce the use of single-use plastic in the city, this draft agreement intends to start with the entities of the District. For its debate in the Council, six draft agreements had been filed that went along the same line, so they were unified. The authorship of this is attributed to 15 councilors, from the benches of the Liberal Party and the Green Alliance Party. Councilors Diana Marcela Diago and Heidy Lorena Sánchez Barreto (who is also the coordinator) were chosen for her presentation.

Among the objectives set forth in the draft agreement is the progressive prohibition in the Capital District of the manufacture, import, commercialization and distribution of single-use plastics, in this the purchase by district entities of elements made in this material and expanded polystyrene (known to many by the brand Icopor).

If approved, the entities of the District will have to look for alternatives that replace, for example, the glasses in which the reds are served, the mixers, as well as spoons, plates, forks and plastic bags.

It must be said that this project had a positive presentation, as its speakers considered it necessary to mitigate the environmental damage generated by these elements, in addition to their economic impact. It is estimated that in Colombia citizens demand more than one million plastic elements per year, of which only 7% are recycled or reused.

Among the figures presented in the Council, it concerns that the District acquired 432,683 single-use plastic units. This figure should be reduced, since it is estimated that its decomposition time can take up to 500 years, causing effects on ecosystems and human health. Just to measure its impact, it is estimated that some 100,000 marine animals die annually from plastic.

“The lobbyists affirmed that there must be a conscious consumer culture that knows how to dispose and recycle correctly, they affirmed that with the pandemic, certain environmental problems such as the consumption of plastics increased. They pointed out that it is imperative to move towards a circular economy model since only 14% of waste is currently recycled. On the other hand, they pointed out that the reduction of waste is one of the first steps to face the climate crisis facing the planet. To conclude, they indicated that the District Policy on Environmental Education must be complied with, ”the Bogotá Council reported.

This first debate had 15 votes in favor, enough for it to be debated in plenary.
