Lists all the shortlists for the National Commission of Judicial Discipline – Courts – Justice


With the arrival of the 7 shortlist -4 of the Superior Council of the Judiciary and 3 of the Presidency- Congress is ready to elect the 7 magistrates of the National Commission for Judicial Discipline, which judges judges, lawyers and prosecutors in the country. .

This body should have come into operation since 2016, replacing the interim Disciplinary Chamber of the Judiciary, but due to judicial decisions that had stopped the call to elect magistrates it had not been possible to form the Commission.

(Also read: Final line to form shortlists of the Judicial Discipline Commission)

The four triples that the Superior Council of the Judiciary sent to Congress are these:

Adriana Herrera Beltrán, Diana Marina Vélez Vásquez and Elka Vanegas Ahumada, in the first group.

In the second they are Adriana Cecilia Alarcón Gallego, Alfonso Cajiao Cabrera and Roque Luis Conrado Imitola.

The third triple is made up of Jhon Jaiver Jaramillo Zapata, Carlos Arturo Ramírez Vásquez and Mónica Sánchez Medina.

The fourth and last triple is made up of César Augusto Rengifo Cuellar, Julio Andrés Sampedro Arrubla and Claudia Rocío Torres Baraja.

(It may interest you: Who should investigate the eternal magistrates?)

For its part, the three shortlists that the Presidency sent to the Legislature are made up of the following:

In the first group Magda Victoria Acosta Walteros, Jhon Jairo Morales Alzate and Cristian Stapper Buitrago.

The second triple is made up of Nerio José Alvis Barranco, Gloria María Arias Arboleda and Juan Carlos Granados Becerra.

The last triple is made up of Carolina del Pilar Gaitán Martínez, Orlando Aníbal Guerra de la Rosa and Mauricio Fernando Rodríguez Tamayo.

By order of the Constitutional Court, the National Judicial Discipline Commission must be formed before December 20 of this year.

Since until now its conformation had been slowed down, some magistrates of the Disciplinary Chamber were perpetuated in their offices and, despite the fact that the magistrates’ terms are 8 years, two robes already have 12.

(In addition: The investigation against ‘eternal magistrates’ is assigned to a prosecutor)

They are Pedro Sanabria and Julia Emma Garzón, who have argued that they could not leave until their replacements arrived and, privately in a plenary session -and not by Congress as required by law-, they elected the other 5 interim magistrates who today has the Disciplinary Chamber.

In fact, recently the Supreme Court of Justice certified copies to the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate, if it considers it, why these two magistrates continued in their positions making decisions even though their term expired 4 years ago. Lhe Prosecutor’s Office has already appointed a prosecutor to evaluate the case.

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