Diomedes Díaz’s son dies in traffic accident – Barranquilla – Colombia


On Thursday night, the family of the late singer Diomedes Díaz closed another April mournfully.

About 9:30 at night, Moisés Díaz González, 19, crashed the car he was driving against a post on Calle 93 with Carrera 49 C, in the north of Barranquilla. The young man, son of the Vallenato idol, died on the spot

Three years ago, on April 14, another son of Diomedes, also the singer Martín Elías, died in a traffic accident near the urban center of San Onofre (Sucre).

Martín Elías, after a presentation at the nearby resort of Coveñas, at Easter, died in an accident caused by the poor condition of the road and speeding.

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Moisés Díaz, whom his father called ‘El Travieso’, was alone in the red Chevrolet Spark vehicle, registration JGN 890.

Traffic accident of Moisés Díaz, son of Diomedes Díaz

The serious accident occurred on a street in Barranquilla.

According to the Barranquilla Police, the first hypothesis behind the accident is the speeding of the car that was driven by Moises.

The Barranquilla authorities also called for attention to prevent people from driving at high speed during these days of quarantine, when many streets are desolate.

In his account on the Instagram social network, the young man, who leaves two daughters, the last message he left was the promotion of a fast-food restaurant at home, which he had presented with a partner on April 13.

On March 13, also in Barranquilla, Moisés Díaz González had already been injured in a van, which also flipped over. At that time, the young man suffered no serious injuries.

The Vallenata music idol Diomedes Díaz died on December 22, 2013, in Valledupar, after a presentation two days before at a disco in Barranquilla.

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