850 new cases of covid-19 this Sunday


October 25, 2020 – 5:20 pm

Newsroom of El País

850 new cases of covid-19 were notified in Valle del Cauca this Sunday, according to the report from the Ministry of Health. In Colombia, 8174 cases were identified.

In addition, thirteen people died from covid-19 in the Department, 8 in Cali, and one in the municipalities of Palmira, Yumbo, Zarzal, Buga and La Unión.

In Colombia 154 people died, but 144 of those deaths were registered in previous days, but were confirmed this Sunday.

With this report, the country accumulates 1,015,885 cases of covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. However, there are only 67,940 active cases.

On the other hand, 915,451 people have been recovered.

Deaths from covid-19 in Colombia totaled 30,154 this Sunday.

On the other hand, Antioquia leads the number of cases on this date with 2,750 confirmed, above Bogotá, with 1,258.

The third place is Valle (850) and then Huila, with 530 cases.

This Sunday 30,040 covid-19 tests, 23,447 PCR and 6,593 antigens were processed.

Also read: Experts analyze the progress of the pandemic in Colombia, which has already exceeded one million cases

Valle del Cauca accumulates 78,439 cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

On Saturday, Colombia exceeded one million confirmed infections. With this, the country is the eighth nation in the world to pass one million cases,
surpassed by the United States, with more than eight million cases; India, with more than seven million infections; Brazil, with more than five million; Russia, with more than 1,400,000 cases; and France, Argentina and Spain, which are close to 1,100,000 total infections, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
