65,928 people are active with covid-19 in the country



Colombia registered 8,256 new infections due to covid-19 and 170 deaths on Tuesday, bringing the total number of positive cases to 974,139 and that of deaths to 29,272.

According to the daily report of the Ministry of Health, the highest number of infected this day was in Bogotá, with 1,541, followed by the departments of Valle del Cauca (1,107), Antioquia (892), Huila (537), Santander (375) and Caldas (366).

Other regions with high figures were Quindío (348), Cundinamarca (296), Meta (291), Tolima (289), Norte de Santander (278), Boyacá (257), Atlántico (247), Cesar (187), Cauca ( 178), Risaralda (145), Nariño (144), Bolívar (141) and Casanare (124).

After Bogotá, which accumulates the highest number of infections with 299,713 positive cases, the places most affected by the pandemic are Antioquia (146,086), Valle del Cauca (75,172), Atlántico (69,991), Cundinamarca (38,879), Santander (38,175) , Bolívar (31,554), Córdoba (25,510) and Cesar (23,894).

Of the 170 deaths, of which 145 occurred in previous days, the Ministry of Health reported that 25 of them took place in Antioquia, followed by Bogotá (22), Valle del Cauca (18), Tolima (14) and Santander (13 ).

The other deaths occurred in Huila (9); Cundinamarca and Risaralda (7); Boyacá, Caldas, Norte de Santander, Quindío and Atlántico (6); Cordoba (5); Cauca (4); Arauca (3); Caquetá, Cesar Nariño and Sucre (2), and Bolívar, La Guajira, Magdalena, Putumayo and Vichada (one per department).

Of the total confirmed cases in the country, 65,928 remain active, which is equivalent to 6.77%, while the number of recovered amounts to 876,731, representing 90%.

On this day, 49,781 samples were processed, 25,323 of them of the PCR type and another 24,458 of antigens, for a total of 4.51 million tests carried out.
