474 confirmed cases and 6 deaths- Noticias Caracol


Number of infections reaches 474 in the department, while the number of deceased remains at six.

The Antioquia Sectional Secretariat reported that this Monday, May 11, six new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, which are distributed between Medellín (5) and Cisneros who has his first case.

It should be noted that to date 379 people have been recovered and there are 89 active cases, which are found in: Medellín (61), Bello (12), Copacabana (7), La Estrella (3), Itagüí (2), Cisneros ( 1), El Carmen de Viboral (1), Envigado (1), and Rionegro (1).

See also: Coronavirus in Colombia: 16 new deaths reported and a total of 11,613 infected

“Additionally, the report indicates that there are ten (10) hospitalized patients: four (4) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and six (6) in general hospitalization,” said the departmental health section.

The other secretariat reported that Antioquia has processed to date the 13.3 percent, of the total tests in Colombia, In other words, 19,850 samples have been processed in the department, out of the 151,396 processed in the country.

According to the health authority 19,378 have been negative.
