14,233 cases of covid-19, a new record of infections in the country


December 23, 2020 – 05:19 pm

Newsroom of El País

As the Christmas and New Year festivities approach, alerts are increasing in Colombia due to the high number of infections that are recorded daily.

This Wednesday, the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health, INS, reported 14,233 new cases in the last 24 hours, the highest number since the pandemic began.

The previous record had been registered last Saturday, December 19, when 13,990 infections were reported.

In addition, health authorities confirmed that 9,794 patients overcame the disease and 243 died of the virus. Of the deaths, 220 occurred more than 24 hours ago.

The regions with the most new infections were Bogotá (5,214), Antioquia (1,993), Valle del Cauca (1,537), Risaralda (622) and Santander (594).

The country’s laboratories processed 80,032 tests in the last 24 hours, 49,847 of them PCR and 30,185 of antigens.

The country adds 1,544,826 cases of covid-19 since the pandemic arrived, 1,404,168 recovered and 41,174 deaths. 95,315 cases remain active.

Also read: Cali prepares mock vaccination against covid-19

The previous record had been registered last Saturday, December 19, when 13,990 infections were reported.

Covid-19 in the Valley

Valle del Cauca reached 129,046 cases of covid-19 since the pandemic began, according to the epidemiological bulletin.

According to the report, in the last 24 hours, 1,537 new infections of the disease were registered in the department.

In addition, 22 deaths from the virus were confirmed in the region, 11 of them in Cali, the capital.

The other deaths were recorded in Palmira (2), Tuluá (2), Cartago (1), Dagua (1), Ginebra (1), Jamundí (1), Yotoco (1), Yumbo (1) and Zarzal (1) .

In total, 4,058 people have died from the coronavirus in Valle del Cauca.

Do not stop reading: Mexico starts its vaccination plan against covid-19 this December 24

The department remains on alert due to the high occupancy of the Intensive Care Units, ICU, in the region, which exceeds 90%.

In addition, of the 1,057 ICU beds enabled in the Valley, 123 are not available due to lack of sedative and muscle relaxant medications, according to the report presented this Thursday by the Ministry of Health.

As a result of this situation, the ministry in recent days decreed the hospital red alert and suspended scheduled surgeries and diagnostic procedures that require sedation until January 4.

The Secretary of Health, María Cristina Lesmes, asked citizens to take extreme care measures and follow the recommendations of the authorities.

“Please do self-isolation and help us slow down the rate at which COVID is being transmitted, looking forward to the arrival of the vaccine in 2021,” Lesmes said.


Globally, 78,471,775 cases have been registered as of this Wednesday afternoon, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Of that number, 44,219,799 patients have recovered and 1,725,959 have died.

Colombia is the twelfth country in the world with the most cases of covid-19, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, below the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Germany and Argentina.

In deaths, Colombia also ranks 12th worldwide, behind the United States, Brazil, India, Mexico, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, Iran, Russia, Spain and Argentina.
