Colin Kaepernick calls Independence Day a “celebration of white supremacy” and REJECTS it because blacks have been “dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized, and terrorized” in the United States for centuries.
- The star athlete and activist took to Twitter to share the powerful rejection, along with a video of actor James Earl Jones reciting Frederick Douglass’ speech.
- The video featured a series of shocking images, including photos from slave auctions, members of the Ku Klux Klan, lynchings, and more.
- Kaepernick’s tweet occurs when Americans in the United States have participated in historic anti-systemic protests.
Colin Kaepernick issued a fierce reprimand of Independence Day, criticizing the “celebration of white supremacy” and calling the United States for “centuries” of abuse against blacks.
The star athlete and activist took to Twitter to share the powerful rejection, along with a video of actor James Earl Jones reciting the famous speech by Frederick Douglass “What does he say to the slave on July 4?”
The video featured a series of shocking images, including photos from slave auctions, members of the Ku Klux Klan, lynchings, videos of officers brutally beating black inmates and of police brutality, drawings of racist cartoons, and the works.

The star athlete and activist took to Twitter to share the powerful rejection, along with a video of actor James Earl Jones reciting the famous speech by Frederick Douglass “What does he say to the slave on July 4?”
“ Black people have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized + terrorized by the United States for centuries, and are expected to join in their commemoration of ‘independence’, while enslaving our ancestors, ” Kaepernick said in his tweet. .
“We reject his celebration of white supremacy and look forward to liberation for all.”
Kaepernick’s tweet occurs when Americans in the United States have participated in historic protests after the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.
Approximately 15 million people to 26 million people have been part of demonstrations to protest against systemic racism and police brutality in the United States.

“ Black people have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized + terrorized by the United States for centuries, and are expected to join in their commemoration of ‘independence’, while enslaving our ancestors, ” Kaepernick said in his tweet. . “We reject her celebration of white supremacy and look forward to liberation for all”

Kaepernick’s tweet occurs when Americans in the United States have participated in historic protests after the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd
Recent surveys show that more than 4,700 protests have occurred in the United States since May 26, with an average of about 140 per day.
Douglass was a prolific abolitionist who often denounced the hypocrisy of the Founding Fathers and applauded their ideals of freedom.
His patriotic speech, given the day after July 4, 1852, would become one of Douglass’s most prominent pieces.
NPR recently had the descendants of the abolitionist, many of whom were tweens and teens, recite the famous speech.