The executive producer behind The great British pastry show He decided to place the contestants in a tent to achieve a festive village atmosphere. It is meant to feel a bit like a festival in the rural countryside.
Rather than placing culinary contestants in an industrialized facility with air conditioning, multiple refrigerators and freezers, and endless equipment, they compete in the wild, with no protection for themselves (or their food) from the heat. However, fighting the elements is not the only downside to the environment. There is no machine dishwasher.
Why ‘The Great British Baking Show’ lacks a dishwasher?
Contestants in The great British pastry show Dirty many dishes. From pots and pans to cupcake molds, beaters, blenders, and more, one would assume that the set has multiple dishwashers to take over the job, the kind that asks users to press a button and voila. However, that is not the case.
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According to Mashed, there are two main reasons that The great British pastry show it is empty of this technological wonder. First: operating a dishwasher would be too noisy during filming. With a set as small as that of The Great British Baking Show, It would be almost impossible to film away from a dishwasher to avoid hearing noise, especially if there were several.
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As for the second main reason: many of the ingredients that come into contact with dishes require a thorough scrub or more than a round in the machine. For example, sticky caramel and chocolate syrup don’t slide right away. Therefore, doing the dishes has become a one-woman job.
Iva Vcelak washes the dishes for ‘The Great British Baking Show’
Puré points out that Iva Vcelak has the task of washing all the dishes used in The great British pastry show manually. Mashed notes that Vcelak goes through 1,000 tea towels, 80 sponges, and 8 gallons of dish soap each season to get the job done.
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DailyMail explains that Vcelak can spend up to 16 hours a day washing dishes for the show. In the end, it takes a little grease to remove those stains, as well as the quietest washing a human could offer (even though some next-generation dishwashers are pretty quiet). The question is: if people are going to wash by hand, one would assume that those behind the program have the budget to hire a dishwasher crew! Poor Vcelak must be very busy.