Disney is defending the host of the new “Star Wars” web series amid reactions to tweets that are considered racist to white people. Christina Ariel announced this month that she would be hosting “The High Republic Show”, a web series offering news and insights into the latest multimedia subs of …
Read More »Dissecting the anatomy of the planetary nebula using the Hubble Space Telescope
On the left is an image of the gem bug nebula (NGC 7027) captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2019 and released in 2020. Further analysis by the researchers produced an image of RGB on the right, showing extinction due to dust, such as the relative strength of two …
Read More »See how SpaceX will launch 100 satellites on the Falcon 9 rocket tomorrow
SpaceX has shared this beautiful view of the Falcon 9 awaiting launch. SpaceX SpaceX will transform one of its Falcon 9 rockets into a crowded Uber spacecraft when it launches its Transporter-1 ride-share mission from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Saturday. The payload for this mission includes a cornucopia of small …
Read More »California gives go-ahead to Moder’s vaccine batch after triggered review after possible allergic reactions Lost Coast outpost
Preview: ### Three days after the state stopped giving 330,000 doses of the modern COVID-19 vaccine due to reports of an allergic reaction, California public health officials announced that “there is no scientific basis for the suspension to continue.” The previously suspected flour, Moderna 041L20A, represents a one-week dose for …
Read More »Undersize layer of giant worms discovered by Taiwanese fossil hunters | Science
Undersea of a giant worm attacking marine life passed by Taiwanese fossils 20 years ago. Researchers believe that a 2-meter-long burrow found in ancient seawater once housed a prehistoric hunter that came out of the shore and dragged unsuspecting animals down into its soil. This animal may be similar to …
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