California coronavirus cases are spreading to new highs daily

California has again broken the daily record of newly confirmed coronavirus cases, continuing the onslaught of infections that have already sent more people to hospital at any stage during the epidemic.

According to data compiled by the Times, 34,490 new daily coronavirus cases were reported in the state on Monday, far more than any daily case count.

The gap between Monday’s report and the previous single-day record is so large – there were 22,369 cases lengthened on Friday – that a difference of two numbers named 12,121 would have put California at the top before the recent surge.

This record-breaking report comes together when record officials said they expect to start seeing the results of travel and reunions for the Thanksgiving holiday. The numbers can also give an impression of a time when the calculation of daily infections as small as the size of a small town may be more common than the exception.

“I would say this is the beginning of the Thanksgiving bump,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of public health in Los Angeles County.

“The latest growth reflects the actions we took in late November, and we cannot reverse those actions,” he said during a briefing on Monday. All we can do today is change our actions today so that two to three weeks from now, we are not reporting such catastrophic events. ”

In the past week, there have been an average of 22,220 new coronavirus cases per day in California – an increase of 78% over the previous two weeks, according to the Times County-by-County of Infection.

The rate at which coronavirus tests confirm infection has also increased in recent weeks. The seven-day positivity rate in California is now 10.5%, as seen in the state’s most recent data show, a 14-day average of 8.4%.

Officials are quick to note that in cases they are not a byproduct of the test, as screening only confirms whether someone is already infected. According to experts, the calculation of the ballooning case, combined with a higher rate of return of tests, makes it clear that coronavirus transmission is widespread in the state.

The rate of infection in California is particularly troubling because about 12% of those who test positive will fall ill enough to be hospitalized after two to three weeks. If the number of cases remains high for an extended period of time, the concern is that hospitals will sink, the capacity of beds will be stretched and the capacity of trained staff to care for a flood of new patients.

Officials say overwork staff and overtexed facilities will reduce the quality of care for everyone, not just those fighting COVID-19.

“Unfortunately, we’re breaking records every day,” said Dr. Santa Clara County Health Officer. Sara Cody said. “Many of our hospitals have opted to cancel alternative surgeries and other procedures to be able to take care of the influx of COVID patients.”

There are currently 10,567 coronavirus-positive patients hospitalized across the state, and state data show that 2,417 are in intensive care. Both figures are all-time highs.

Currently the number of hospital admissions has doubled in less than three weeks.

“I think everyone in this place really shares these little concerns with me about how we’ll make sure people understand, if the numbers don’t start going down … look at what you’re doing, it’s horrible. There are scenes that end up playing out, not just in our county, but across the state, ”Ferrer said.

That is, she said, “where your coffin can be backed up, where you are delaying the care of people who really need care.”

Looking at all the annoying data points seen during the recent upswing, one relatively bright spot was that the most devastating metric – the number of deaths – remained relatively low. But that is no longer the case.

According to data compiled by the Times, an average of 160 Kovid-1 deaths have occurred in the state in a single day in the last week, which is not seen in a month.

Times data shows that about 1,300 Californians have died from COVID-19 in the last 14 days. Those deaths were linked to passing a milestone to the state on Monday: 20,000 accumulated coronavirus-related deaths.

It is against this background that Governor Gavin News last week unveiled new sanctions to enforce when a region’s available ICU capacity falls below 15%.

Communities affected by the new stay-a-home order will have to limit most of their retail capacity to 20% and hair salons, nail salons, public outdoor playgrounds, card rooms, museums, zoos, aquariums and wineries. The restaurant will only be able to offer withdrawals or deliveries as indoor and outdoor dining will be banned.

California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. “Our message is: stay home as long as possible,” Mark Galli said during a briefing on Tuesday. “We know it works. We know we can bring our transmission rates down. “

As of Tuesday, two state-determined territories – Southern California and San Joaquin Quinn Valley – had seen their available ICU capacity tumble low enough to accelerate orders. Those controls were captured at 11:59 a.m. Sunday and will remain in place for at least three weeks.

Five Bay Area counties – San Francisco, Santa Clara, Contra Costa, Almeida and Marines – also announced last week that they would actively enforce the new sanctions and plan to keep them in place until at least January 4.

Collectively, those regions are home to approximately 33 million Californians, representing 84% of the state’s population.

Gali said all residents – even in areas that are not covered under the domestic order at the time of the regional stay – should pay attention to the call.

“Right now, we’re seeing such high-level broadcasts that almost every activity – I must say Each Activity – It can happen differently and keeps us in our home, not to mix with others, it is safe. “It will be the tools that help us control this.”

The Office of the Governor of Emergency Services sent cellphone emergency alerts Tuesday afternoon to people living in Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley, emphasizing the issue.

Galli added that he thinks the initial step from some of the two area counties is the recognition that “some of these changes will be implemented sooner, hopefully the impact is greater and we can shorten the time of these orders.” In space. “

This is especially true given the defective nature of the virus. Those who are now hospitalized were mostly infected two to three weeks ago, while case counts, despite being high, were significantly lower than they are today.

“We expect that the increase we have made now is not just an ongoing operation, [but] We are [also] Concerns about the rapid increase and pressure on our hospitals, ”Gali said. “If we thought we could do a single peak at this level, some regional state-of-home orders wouldn’t be necessary.”

Galli said earlier this week that “dinner tables or activities and plans, traveling through Thanksgiving, are going to show up right now,” and “we know we’ll see many more days to come.”

Ferrer reiterated Tuesday, telling the LA County Board of Supervisors that “we expect to continue to see this much more case now as people move forward in reflection of the actions they took over Thanksgiving weekend.”

Recent numbers in California are painting an increasingly evolving picture of the epidemic, with officials emphasizing that everyone – residents and businesses – can do their part to help raise the stakes.

Taking simple steps, such as wearing a mask in public, washing your hands regularly and staying home when you are sick, as well as avoiding gathering with people outside your home, can all make a significant dent, experts and officials say.

There is also hope on the horizon, as the first COVID-19 vaccine is set to arrive in California soon. On Monday, the state plans to receive 2.16 million doses this month – delivery is expected to begin by next week, Newsme said.

Ferrer said LA County is likely to receive 84,000 doses of the vaccine in its first allotment from the state next week.

Orange County health officials said they expect to receive 25,350 doses next week.

“COVID-19 is not over yet,” Supervisor Chairman Michelle Steele said in a statement Tuesday from the Orange County Board. “But the first batch of these vaccines will help stop the spread of the virus.”

The priority for the initial wave of vaccines will be health care workers.

Although the next few weeks may be difficult, it’s not too late to turn things around, Ferrer said.

“When we know we’re going to see a significant increase in the next two to three weeks, he can turn himself in by the time he starts coming back into the game.” “We don’t really have to say, ‘This is inevitable. We are going to see an overwhelming health system. ‘… we have time to get to a place, but very little, where it doesn’t happen. “

Times staff writers Jacqueline Cosgrove, Rong-Gong Lin II, Sean Green and Soumya Karlamangala contributed to the report.