“You broke the insolence meter”: GERB refused to stop road construction without tenders – Politics


© Tsvetelina Belutova, Capital

After a scandal, the majority in parliament rejected the BSP’s proposal to increase the requirements under which the state assigns its companies to carry out public purchases without competition. The demand of the Socialists was the so-called internal (internal) allocation that will be made only when the company has the capacity to fulfill 90 percent of the order.

The BSP proposal aims to stop the practice, without a procedure under the Public Procurement Law, that the State assign its company “Autopistas” the construction or repair of roads, and that it hires large road builders as subcontractors .

According to the Socialists, Avtomagistrali has three rollers, nine engineers, 43 workers and 20 accountants, and has been commissioned to build almost 250 km of the Hemus highway for about BGN 4 billion so that the money flows to relatives. to the GERB subcontractors, whose names none of the Red deputies mentioned. That is why the opposition wants the National Audit Office to inspect the company.

Who builds and who gets angry

According to the BSP, the government is crushing the market competition, I am creating food chains for the construction companies close to them and feeding them with money, draining the state company. GERB says Oresharski’s cabinet insisted on the so-called internal allocation.

BSP MP Yavor Bojankov compared GERB to the Communists, but those of Ali Express, as the construction was extremely poor. According to Alexander Nenkov from GERB, it is normal for sites of national importance, such as roads, to be assigned to state-owned companies, as was the case in Europe. He said that the Socialists were angry with them because Todor Zhivkov had built a road only to Botevgrad, and thanks to the GERB you could walk to the sea in three hours, not seven with accidents, as in the time of the Communists. “You broke the naglometer,” replied BSP’s Manol Genov.

No obligation of competitions in private hospitals

The majority in parliament rejected the BSP’s proposal to oblige public hospitals, which are financed with public resources, to make public purchases for the purchase of medicines and consumables. The government promised such a change before the coronavirus crisis, but it later became clear that the government had resigned.

The change was aimed at ending the vicious practice of private hospitals buying drugs at inflated prices, which the health insurance fund was then forced to cover. Another objective was to synchronize legislation with European practice.

GERB and the Patriots in a dispute over town mayors

GERB rejected the proposal of its partners in the “United Patriots” coalition that towns with a population of more than 100 people elect a mayor, which was also supported by the BSP. Elections are currently held in towns with a population of more than 350 and, if fewer, a deputy mayor is appointed.

The United Patriots have repeatedly called on GERB to support the proposal, arguing that during a meeting with the Small Peoples Association, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov promised to hold elections for mayors in villages with more than 100 people, and now the deputies will embarrass him.
