When will the clubs and bars close?



Open letter from the management and staff of MBAL “Hospital Central”

To the Ministry of Health

To RHI-Plovdiv

To the regional governor of Plovdiv and chair of the regional crisis staff

To the National Operational Headquarters

To the mayor of Plovdiv

To the NHIF

To RHIF-Plovdiv

To the President of PC Health Care at the 44th National Assembly

To the Bulgarian Medical Union

To the National Association of Private Hospitals

To the Bulgarian Hospital Association

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

We approach you with specific questions regarding the complicated epidemiological situation in the country and in the district. They are as follows:

1. When will discotheques, bars and all entertainment establishments and public places be closed, where there is a gathering of a large number of people in the Plovdiv region and it is impossible to observe the physical distance between the visitors?

2. At the beginning of the pandemic, it was announced that the state had purchased 200 respirators. How are they distributed and where?

Are public and private hospitals the same in the distribution of respirators by the state? We have information that Pazardzhik state / former district / hospital has received 4 ventilators, one of which is mobile, as long as there are fewer COVID beds discovered than ours. We have not received any. We cannot even buy it for lack of it in the commercial network.

3. What can you really expect from the state, the regional governor and the NHIF, given that private hospitals do not treat worse than state ones, nor are the requirements for them lower?

4. When will Remdisivir be delivered for the intensive care bed needs at Central Hospital? A vial costs 800 liters, 8,000 lev are spent for the treatment of a patient, and the National Health Insurance Fund pays 600 lev per clinical route. It is not available in the pharmacy network to provide it to patients who need it.

5. During the months of August and September, inspections of all activities were carried out above the limits of the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. When will these funds be paid, provided that they have been carried out effectively and in accordance with all the requirements of the NHIF.

We look forward to welcoming you now that the hospitals are exhausted and the NHIF has this reserve to be used to encourage staff working with COVID patients. Otherwise, it will be impossible to provide medical equipment for the treatment of these patients. Just with good talk and profanity from the anti-vaxers, the medical staff will leave the hospitals very soon, and then it will be too late to receive the funds.

We await responses from the institutions involved in the fight against the coronavirus.

Thank you!

October 26, 2020

Respectfully yours, Plovdiv Dr. Nadezhda Krumova, Manager of MHAT “Central Hospital”
