What’s in the sausages? A pathologist’s experiment revealed some of its contents.


An experiment by a pathologist from the Sofia University of Medicine showed that the sausages found on the market in our country contain unsuspected ingredients, which, however, are certainly not harmful to health, say experts in food technology.

Photo: btvnovinite.bg

According to the analysis, in addition to meat, sausages contain cartilage, nerve fibers, plant cells and seeds. The photos are from a student exercise in histology and were not taken for commercial purposes.

Photo: btvnovinite.bg

The author declined to be interviewed, but stressed that it was a morphological study, which in itself was not sufficient to assess the nutritional value of the sausages. We need both chemical and toxicological.

In any case, the analysis quickly spread beyond the academic community because of the findings in it.

We asked veteran producer Teodor Yankov for a comment.

According to him, chicken prawns are often used in pork sausages (chicken skins, as well as trimmings and substitutes): “In some sausages there should be mainly, and perhaps only more than 95-97%, I emphasize, Bulgarian meat. Salt, spices and possibly allowed as standard preservatives. In no case should there be any type of emulsion present in the sausages, you should not use milk fiber or protein… (…) Should these products appear in a product that claims to have been made with a raw material called ‘meat’ “? “Asks the manufacturer.

Yankov also appealed with a law to make a distinction in store windows, between these delicacies, whose content is entirely meat, and imitation products.

The Meat Processors Association declined to comment on the issue, arguing that the study was not an official scientific opinion.

According to Prof. Dr. Stefan Dragoev, corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and professor at the University of Food Technology in Plovdiv, it is natural to find such particles in the homogeneous mixture of sausages.

He explained that the remains of the skin, for example, did not mean that the chorizo ​​was not meat, but he assured that they were not dangerous to our health: “The bacon used is steamed pork. They are extracted through the skins. With such large volumes, the cuticle particles can always remain in the oily raw materials used. For me, this is speculation, “said Professor Dragoev.

In our country, sausages are the most consumed among sausages. According to industry data, between 80 and 120 tons are sold per day. Its price varies between BGN 4 and 9 per kilogram.
