We live to see it! Compliance with the measures in our country is already yielding GRAPHICS


If we follow the measures, we will promote a truly happier vacation, shows the traditional weekly analysis of “Maritsa“based on new data on infection.

Kardzhali was the first, the poet would write! The district has again descended into the orange zone with fewer than 120 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. Kardzhali is the only Bulgarian region outside the red!

The beginning of the end?  Compliance with the measures resulted in GRAPHIC News News

A slight decrease is also observed in Plovdiv. The district has 654 infected per 100,000 inhabitants, and a week ago the number was 677. It is still a comfort.

Plovdiv continues to move in the golden mean, and Smolyan (241), who is actually second to Kardzhali in a good way, can also boast good indicators from neighboring districts.

Sofia is experiencing a great decline, as shared by the Minister of Health. The capital had 1,000 infected a week ago, now there are 830 for every 100,000 inhabitants.

Beyond this “supersonic” border is Kyustendil (1124), which surpassed Gabrovo (1096).

The beginning of the end?  Compliance with the measures resulted in GRAPHICNewsInformation

Anything else to keep in mind? It is as if we have entered the plateau of infection, with an incidence at 14 days that ranges between 700 and 600, even with a slight downward trend.

The number of tests continued with a slight decrease and their positivity remained at 40 percent.

The beginning of the end?  Compliance with the measures resulted in GRAPHICNewsInformation

However, mortality from COVID-19 remains our weak point. It grows to 25 people for every 100,000 inhabitants. A little hope? The number of deaths decreases compared to all known cases of coronavirus already completed. There are 8 people, as before I was chasing 10.
