We do not underestimate the situation, we all made a mistake, admitted Kostadin Angelov


There is no room for politics and political decisions. If we do a lockdown, funds must be provided for all sectors that will be closed. Said this the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov on Nova TV’s morning block.

If we shut down the country completely, will we achieve a medical outcome? Our measures are aimed at a medical outcome, explained the Minister of Health and explained the measures proposed by the Associate Head of State for Health Inspectors Prof. Angel Kunchev.

We do not have time for fear, but we must make rational and quick decisions. The only thing that worries me is if they will resist the force of doctors and nurses, Professor Kostadin Angelov is concerned.

According to, if we want to crush the spine of this epidemic, we must do it wisely, and in the absence of reason we see what is happening. “We do not underestimate the situation, and we are all wrong. We do not have a minute not to follow the figure and the trend.”said the Minister of Health.

The pressure on the health system is extremely serious. Yesterday there were more than 550 calls and all the people who felt the symptoms sought help and waited to be taken to the appropriate medical institution, Angelov explained.

Approximately 80% of patients stay home for home treatment and the remaining 20% ​​require hospitalization. Access to healthcare is different than the number of beds and it means getting to the doctor on time. We have one of the best access to hospital care in Europe, and the problem is the lack of doctors and nurses, acknowledged the Minister of Health.

Another 106 COVID-19 victims, 3,816 new cases, 270 people in serious condition

Another 106 COVID-19 victims, 3,816 new cases, 270 people in serious condition

There are already 4004 hospitalized patients …

The current situation is that people are reasonable, stay home and follow the measurements, Professor Angelov insisted.

There is no way to find extra beds and keep them empty, because that is how patients are harmed. The order of the Minister of Health establishes that patients who need long-term treatment, their intake does not stop, explained Professor Kostadin Angelov.

Assured that the interest of patients will be protected. The Minister of Health determined accusations that Remdesivir was not available to all hospitals as “absolutely false” and stated that it could present statistics city by city and RHI by RHI. We have a sufficient quantity of medicines, it is a matter of logistics to deliver them, Professor Angelov was categorical.

The COVID ward of the Plovdiv hospital ran out

Plovdiv hospital COVID ward ran out of “Remdesivir”

The condition of the patients is monitored with daily visits.

According to There is a misunderstanding about Remdesivir because it has side effects and is not safe. We cannot put Remdesivir in all patients with coronavirus, because we risk their life and health, the Health Minister warned.

“The feeling of fear cannot guide us, but the mind must guide us. Not everyone can go to the pharmacy, buy medicine and start their treatment alone, but they have to go to the doctor, “said Professor Angelov.

Called the people Be sensible, limit your contacts, and stop gathering large groups of people. Professor Angelov emphasized that it should be clear whether antigen testing can become an alternative to AKP testing. If antigen testing can be an alternative to PRS testing, let’s do enough tests of this type so that as many people as possible can be tested, explained the Minister of Health.

Prof. Angelov He asked people not to make a false emergency call and insisted that the pressure on the health system be overcome with everyone’s effort.

Will we be able to cope with the second wave of COVID?

Yes, the authorities are holding the situation.

It’s complete chaos

No, but this is a pandemic

It all depends on personal responsibility

What a wave, what a virus!
