We are concerned about the throat, but a more common symptom of COVID-19 is muscle pain.


According to the latest clinical diagnostic protocols, the disease manifests itself more frequently with 12 symptoms of different intensity.

Muscle pain has been a part of COVID-19 symptoms since the first reports, but who cares if people are choking on coughs or fever. Even a sore throat is a more common suspicion of a coronavirus infection.

The motive is

how muscular


of the fuss

of the virus is

more special

Therefore, it is not immediately recognized as muscle suffering. It has little to do with recalling muscle fever after an episodic workout to remove the remorse of immobility. It is closer to the helplessness of the flu, since many respiratory viruses can also cause inflammation of muscle tissue. However, coronavirus muscle pain is different.

According to a large study of almost 56,000 people in China, crushing muscle pain throughout the body is more common than symptoms that are “recognized” in society as more suspicious of the new disease. In reality, sore throat is associated with the new infection in 13.9%, 13.6% complain of headaches and the virus attacks 14.8% of infected people in the muscles. Pain is the result of


damage to


fibers of

virus and through



which occurs in people with weak immune systems.

In “ordinary” muscle fever, the loaded areas suffer and the accumulated body acids are dispersed within a day or two. However, in muscle inflammation, which doctors write in health records as myositis, the cells break down. Specifically in coronavirus infection, its reabsorption and




weaving begins



and take

weeks to


depending on the severity of the inflammation. It is associated with the reaction of immune cells that release interleukin proteins to fight infection.

Another feature of the motor symptoms of the new infection is that, unlike trauma pain or “fever” from overload, which is local or in several areas, muscle pain in COVID-19 is widespread. It is somewhat similar to feelings of myalgia, which victims say is “excruciating pain everywhere” and may seem like pampering to the side.

From the differences in the nature of pain comes the different way to control it. In this case, compresses and massages do not help. If the general condition is worse, even if the person is not in the hospital, the doctor has generally recommended fever and anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, and plenty of fluids. And stay with the bed!

In case of muscular symptoms of infectious origin, they are also recommended as standard.



and zinc,


C, A, E, D

All of them, in addition to muscle and proper metabolism, also have a supporting role for immunity.

But even by balancing the body’s defense response, the pain caused by our adaptive immune response continues for about two weeks after the active phase of infection.

According to Virology Experts at Johns Hopkins University

how much more


so much

most likely

it’s also the pain

in the muscles

Most likely, it is a pandemic disease using tests that look for genetic traces of the pathogen, in this case RNA.

According to the latest protocols for clinical diagnosis, coronavirus disease manifests itself more frequently with 12 symptoms of different intensity:


Non-productive dry cough

Shortness of breath, trouble breathing.

Heaviness in the chest

Shaking chills


Muscle pain


Sore throat, dryness, pain

Loss of taste or smell.



With a sore throat, the situation is the exact opposite of not recognizing muscle pain in relation to the coronavirus. At the moment, all people with some discomfort around the tonsils suspect that they have touched the new infection.

However, it is more likely that the sore throat is not due to COVID-19, this symptom is much less common than fever, cough and shortness of breath.

At the moment, we believe that only about 10 percent of people infected with the virus can be diagnosed with a sore throat, explains the American specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases, Dr. Michael Lerner, to Health magazine. .

Sore throat is a very common symptom, especially in winter and spring, whether you have a cold, flu, coronavirus, or even strep throat. It is difficult to determine if it is associated with COVID-19 solely on the basis of the complaint. Despite the low percentage of people with confirmed cases of the virus that lists it as a symptom, it’s more likely not related to corona infection, doctors say.
