Valchev: there are 100 students and children infected with COVID-19 and 99 teachers


Krassimir Valchev STAFF: BNT

22-23 days since the beginning of the school year, 100 children and students infected, 99 teachers, said in “The day begins with Georgi Lyubenov” in BNT the Minister of Education Krassimir Valchev. I speak of a total of schools and kindergartens with an average of 200 infected daily. For students, we have an average of 5 students per day, the same is true for teachers with 200 infected daily average. We do not have an extremely high percentage of infected people in the educational system, added the minister.

“Classes in quarantine are 5 per 1000, that is, 5 do not study, 995 study. Now the first classes in quarantine have begun to return at the beginning of the year, since the period of 14 days has passed, so if maintain these values, the daily average 200, we hope this is the value of the classes in quarantine, the percentage of the classes in quarantine – half a percent ”, Valchev was categorical.

According to him, it is very likely that in January and February there will be a major closure of schools and kindergartens. Again, we are not talking about the whole system, as it happened in spring, and in some municipalities, districts, when the threshold values ​​of influenza viruses are reached, children are known to be much sicker with influenza viruses , unlike the coronavirus, where the percentage is much higher. minor, “said the Minister of Education.

Valchev stressed that the system is ready for each class to start learning in an electronic environment, as well as entire schools, “that is, there will be no loss of time, training will be much more efficient even in terms of effort and time.” this year”.

The Minister of Education said that the objective is maximum face-to-face training and the students have accepted it and are happy to be in school.

“Our regime at school is more liberal than in other countries, where they are forced to wear masks per hour all the time. In general, it takes less than 10% to cross the hall, go out to the patio or go to the bathroom.” Krassimir Valchev said.

As for the days allowed for absences from school, he said that according to the decision of the parents are 10 days, 3 – by the classroom teacher, 10 – by the principal.

“We are in a situation in which we must constantly seek a balance between the right to education and the right to health,” said the Minister of Education.

“From the point of view of health, what I spoke with the Ministry of Health, with the doctors, they say that it is good that children do not congregate in medical offices, and they say that it is mandatory for children to go through medical offices , because otherwise we run the risk of a child having symptoms that he does not see, becoming more ill or returning to school undiagnosed, ”Valchev continued.
