UK with moderate relief: sports once a day and less public transport


In a televised address to the nation, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Sunday night moderate relief of the quarantine measures and outlined the government’s roadmap to further lift the restrictions in recent weeks, the Associated Press and BTA reported.

Johnson said people who cannot work from home, such as those who work in construction or manufacturing, “should be actively encouraged to return to work” this week. He called do not use public transport and invited people to walk or ride a bicycle. Johnson also announced that restrictions will be lifted starting Wednesday that he can only play outdoor sports. This can be done an unlimited number of times, but only with people from the same household.

However, the Prime Minister, who spent a week in the hospital under Kovid-10 treatment, stressed the need to follow the recommendations of social distance and said it was insanity to allow a second peak of infections

They will increase fines for violating social distance. According to Reuters, they are expected to be 100 pounds or twice less if paid within 14 days.

Johnson also described a plan to facilitate quarantine measures, which, he emphasized, will be implemented only under certain conditions, news agencies said. Younger students are slated to return to school on June 1. If the epidemic is brought under control, a month later, as of July 1, some hotels and restaurants may resume operations, the prime minister said.

The prime minister said that to prevent reinfection from abroad, “the time will soon come … to impose quarantine on those who arrive in the country by air,” Reuters reported.

A joint statement by Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron, issued after the speech, said that for now, passengers arriving from France.

In England, an infection warning system is being established, which will operate on a five-point scale depending on the rate of reproduction of the virus, the number of people infected, and the workload of the health system. First grade will mean that the disease is no longer registered in the UK, and fifth grade means that the situation is critical.

The government motto “Stay home” is replaced by a new one: “Be vigilant.”

The death toll from Covid-19 in Britain has risen from 269 to 31,855, the British Health Ministry said today, quoted by Reuters.

The figure is based on data collected by the England Public Health Agency and their respective offices in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. They cover the period until 4 pm GMT yesterday.

The number of infected people in the UK increased from 3,923 to 219,183.
