Two of Associate Professor Mangarov’s sons have symptoms of coronavirus


Two of Associate Professor Mangarov's sons have coronavirus symptoms

Photo: BGNES

Two of Adjunct Professor Atanas Mangarov’s children have symptoms of COVID-19, but he refused to test them. He revealed this to NOVA. The infectious disease specialist has three sons and a daughter.

No CRP tests were performed on the two sons of Associate Professor Mangarov. They showed symptoms similar to the coronavirus, but were not diagnosed. At the moment they do not have to do tests, explained the new head of the COVID department of the Hospital for Infectious Diseases.

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“I will reveal a secret. Why is Borisov gathering Mangarov, ministers, etc. with opposing understandings? To have scandals! Because the state …

One of the biggest critics of the measures himself wanted to take the initiative in the fight against infection and by order of the Minister of Health headed the department.

Atanas Mangarov coronavirus

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