Thousands of people protested in Munich against EU anti-virus measures


Some 10,000 people attended a rally in the Bavarian city of Munich against measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus. The number of protesters was twice as high as those who had registered in advance, police said according to the DPA.

Similar events were organized in other German cities.

The Munich protest passed peacefully with 1,400 police officers on the ground. The parade in Munich, which took place before the rally, stopped early after attracting several hundred people, but hardly anyone was wearing a mask.

In Hannover, about 1,100 people protested against the precautionary measures, although the police expected more to attend.

Hundreds of people protested in Warsaw against the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus

Organizers of the event had to interrupt the parade through the city for a short time to ask the protesters to maintain social distance and to wear protective covers for their faces.

There were also several counter-demonstrations in the northwestern city, organized by a left-wing youth group and the German trade union association De Ge Be (DGB), entitled “For the protection of health and against conspiracy theories.”

In Wiesbaden, only 150 people joined the protest against anti-virus measures, far fewer than the 3,000 registered.

Some 50 attended a vigil against the right amid growing concern over the prevailing presence of anti-virus measures by the right.

In her weekly speech, German Chancellor Angela Merkel today defended the government’s measures to control the virus, but stressed that she is willing to discuss the issue.

“In our country, everyone is free to openly criticize these government decisions,” he said. The freedom to protest peacefully has made many people envy Germany, Merkel commented ahead of the International Day of Democracy on September 15, notes BTA.
