They want closed restaurants and shopping centers, students at home until Christmas (Video, review)


Before announcing the stricter measures requested in an extraordinary briefing in the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, presented them to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. The meeting was also attended by the directors of the Academy of Military Medicine. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, Pirogov Prof. Asen Baltov and Alexandrovska Prof. Boris Bogov and the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev.

Kostadin Angelov insists on the partial blockade, on Wednesday the ministers decide what measures to take

All students will attend the online training from this Friday until Christmas. Until then, attend classes in kindergartens and kindergartens, as well as in universities, where there will be no internships or internships.

Health Minister Kostadin Angelov made a proposal to return these and other spring measures in a meeting with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on Monday. They should also be discussed at a meeting of the government and coalition partners on Wednesday.

The order of the Minister of Health with the final version of the measures is expected to come out on Thursday night.

Morbidity in the country is 800 per 100,000 inhabitants, and in 3 districts it exceeds 1,000, Angelov motivated his request. With these indicators, the plan is to tighten the measures, he explained. More and more people are in need of hospital treatment and hospitals cannot cope, the minister added.

To the checkpoints, however

I would not do it

It’s enough

Apart from the bars and clubs that are still closed, All other establishments, confectioneries and cafeterias will be closed. Those offering food may just to deliver to homes, foresees Angelov’s proposal.

Shopping centers, game and entertainment rooms, shopping centers and stores are also closed. Only pharmacies, drugstores, banks and grocery stores will remain open.

All collective sporting events, cultural and entertainment activities, including privately organized celebrations, congresses, seminars and excursions, are suspended.

The epidemic emergency situation will last for 4 months, until the end of March 2021.

“We do not impose confinement, we believe that together we will impose it, so that each of you can become a doctor and a nurse. Then you will become heroes in your homes. It is time to unite again in the name of life,” Angelov called after announce measurements.

The measures can give results at least 8 days after their implementation, but realistic expectations are between 14 and 21 days, explained the minister, so the measures would be valid until Christmas.

If they give

result for

the holidays will be

be relaxed,

added the minister.

The adult green trading corridor will remain only for the morning, but whatever the range is is still up for discussion. No consensus opinion was reached on the matter, explained the Minister of Health.

In hospitals throughout the country, COVID zones will be established, which will have a completely separate entrance and there will be no mixing of flows, so that patients who need other medical attention can also be treated. This will be in areas where there is only one hospital and there is no way to differentiate between the so-called clean hospital and one only for COVID, the minister explained.

He added that soon it will be legally prescribed that in case of a serious condition and a clear clinical picture of COVID, which is already known to specialists, patients will be admitted to COVID wards, even with a negative result in the PCR test. .
