They decide new measures in Plovdiv!



New measures in Plovdiv? Can such a situation be reached and when? This is what he said on camera today Dani Kanazireva:

“Next week we are going to discuss the measures! They are very important, but for me the organization in medical establishments has priority! When I saw that there were no beds at 12.00 at night, this is my biggest concern, I tell you honestly”. .

The following is a summary of the district governor’s statement:

“The tension grows, the situation with the beds becomes more complicated and tense. Last night we set aside new beds to separate unconfirmed kovid-19 cases.

Today we open 142 beds and include 3 new hospitals: “Trimontium” with 24 beds, “Park Hospital” 26 and “Medline Clinic”. We are increasing by 10 beds in “Kaspela”, “Pulmed”, “Eurohospital”, and the District Hospital is allocating another 16 rooms for people with symptoms, but still with an unconfirmed test and in the Transport Hospital another 16 beds ” .

She has contemplated another option: a gradual transformation of an entire hospital for the treatment of moderate cases, and this will be MHAT “St. Mina”, they have only 23 patients, which allows their rapid transfer. Kanazireva received the support of the Minister of Health for this decision.

“I am counting on Professor Petrov for the organization, another staff colleague will help him with this. 3 of the municipal DCC managers said they are ready to join. I am calling on the municipal councilors to vote for a fund to receive funds additional. of medical personnel, more than 1000 levs they receive.

“My concern is that we have more than 2,500 people in home treatment who at some point may want to be hospitalized. We have 889 beds in Plovdiv and the region, another 32 beds are planned at” St. Georgi “University Hospital, Kanazireva added. .

Cardiology will move to another building. The internal room will become the KOVID room, and the cardiology will be transferred to a building on Vesela Street. Soon there will be a meeting with the teams in each room and I want to know how many of my colleagues will be staying at work, to know what funding I will ask the headquarters, “said the manager of” St. Mina “, Petar Petrov.

11 doctors are from the coronavirus cases today, in schools and kindergartens there are 6 teachers and 4 students, and the classes in quarantine are 2.

Currently in Plovdiv 362 patients are hospitalized and 42 are in intensive care. broadcast the briefing live. If you want to be notified about future live broadcasts, please subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow us on Facebook: news.
