They changed some of the anti-epidemic measures in our country!



Order No. RD-01-20 / 15.01.2021 modifies and completes Order No. RD-01-677 of 11.25.2020 and Order No. RD-01-718 of 12.18.2020, issued by the Minister of Health, which as of today allows the presence of the following activities in school education:

– equivalency exams for transferring students;

– exams to determine the term grade of a student with more than 25% absences in a given subject and there is no possibility / in case of impossibility / to form a term grade, or for a student in the form of individual or distance education ;

– examinations to determine the annual grade of a student in the form of independent or part-time education;

– state examinations for the acquisition of a degree of professional qualification in theory and practice;

– individual activities, including written or practical tests for continuous assessment in case of impossibility to perform in an electronic environment;

– individual practical classes in a company or on the territory of a school;

– rounds of Olympics and district and municipal competitions when they cannot be organized online.

All activities should be carried out, if possible, individually and in strict compliance with anti-epidemic measures. It is mandatory to wear a mask, observe a physical distance of at least 1.5 m and prevent people with manifestations of acute respiratory diseases.

It is allowed to attend the following activities in higher education institutions:

– practical training and practical exams for students, postgraduates and doctoral students;

– semester exams, which include a practical part and cannot be taken in an electronic environment;

– State exams and defense of diploma thesis.

In cases where these activities are carried out in the territory of the higher school, the rector creates an organization for strict compliance with the anti-epidemic measures introduced.

First aid courses are also allowed, in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance №24.

In the “Healthcare” sector, anticipated income and anticipated operational activity in medical establishments and complex cancer centers is recovering.

The full text of the order can be found in the attached file.
