There will be no new deaths from COVID-19


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon says the number of coronavirus infections in Serbia is gradually declining, and in the next tenth week of the health crisis, he expects no more deaths from COVID-19, the Belgrade-based Danas newspaper reported.

For N1 TV, Kon said he expects the number of newly infected to drop below 1 percent of the number tested this week, and only from June does he hope to stop registering himself infected with coronavirus, the newspaper writes.

The virus continues to circulate. As of week 12, we expect the number of those infected to drop below 0.5 percent of those tested, Cohn said, estimating that the risk of infection is 30 times lower than in the period near Easter, BTA writes.

Kon noted that after airports open and the international movement, new regulations will be adopted, which will determine how citizens can be tested for the coronavirus and at what cost.

In the last 24 hours, there have been 82 new cases of coronavirus infection and two deaths in Serbia. So far, a total of 10,114 coronavirus positives and 215 deaths have been identified in the country, reports Danas.

The Belgrade newspaper Politika reports that the Speaker of the Parliamentary Parliament of Vojvodina, Istvan Pastor, scheduled elections for deputies to the regional parliament on June 21. Pastor asked citizens on June 21 to exercise their right and obligation to vote for a party, coalition, or group of citizens of their choice.

