There is no limit on the jeep instructions for the PCR test (overview)


For the first time positive almost 12%, 2801 infected in a week

54 with COVID in the home of people with mental retardation in the village of Kachulka

GPs should not have a limit on the referrals they can issue for a PCR test. Such are the plans of the Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance Fund. The reason is that there is an increase in airborne viral illnesses, and such a restriction may result in sick people having to pay for the test themselves.

“I hope that the Association of General Practitioners together with the Bulgarian Medical Union will develop criteria for the issuance of referrals, in order to avoid abuse of their issuance. We have no intention of limiting the activity,” Health Minister Prof Kostadin Angelov. An option was discussed where the jeeps would have instructions for

about 10% of

your patients,

Angelov told Nova TV. But he added that this would rather be a guide to the health insurance fund, so that no violations are allowed.

“When we have the criteria, knowing that the morbidity is around 10%, it is quite logical to know that this will be the required number of referrals,” explained the Minister of Health, but reiterated that there are no intentions to limit activity.

The week with anti-registrations ended with another: on Sunday 11.8% of positive samples from 3795 analyzed were reported. 2801 are new patients for the week, 612 for the day that was the peak, recorded on Saturday.

Thus, the number of people with coronavirus infection in our country has reached 24,319, of which 7,610 are active. end of october. However, your expectations are

until the end of

months for

we reached 30,000

The number of hospital admissions continues to grow: 1,189 on Sunday. There are 59 in intensive care units, there are 4 deaths per day, with 891 victims.

After school, the virus began to return to social homes. A new outbreak of the infection occurred in the Home for Mentally Retarded Adults, the village of Kachulka near Sliven. 54 people tested positive over the weekend there.

Most of

of them – 42,

They are employees

at home

reported by RHI. Among them are 21 nurses and nurses, and the remaining 21 are support staff. 12 of those infected are residents of the home.

Everyone’s condition does not require hospitalization. Treatment of employees will take place at home, under the supervision of their personal physicians, and residents will be monitored on-site by their personal physician.

Residents of the house live in apartments and contacts between people are generally limited. Right now there are 200 of them, 113 people work there, medical and other personnel. The tests continue.

The town of Kachulka has an action plan in the conditions of COVID-19, said the management. Measures are being taken so that the social institution does not close.

More new cases of infected students became apparent over the weekend. In a 14-day quarantine, two classes leave Montana. A 10-year-old boy from the fourth grade from Third School tested positive, as did a 16-year-old girl from the city’s language institute.

A second infected student was also found at the “St. Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher ”in Ruse – an 11th grade girl. He is in contact with his infected classmate, who was reported on Saturday. The class is in quarantine and undergoes online training for the next 14 days.

However, the return of students to school has not contributed to the growth of those infected in our country.

“It just came to our knowledge then

The number of

sick children

and she is a teacher

Lower than

the average of

the country

At the moment we cannot say that the increase in the number is not due to schools, “explained Minister Kostadin Angelov.

The biggest problem is that people don’t follow the measures. Not wearing a mask is a whim and is not socially responsible behavior. The democracy we fight for requires that people’s rights not be violated, and one of the main ones is to protect human health. This is how we endanger it, endanger the doctors on the front line, he added. Each institution that carries out control activities will monitor the use of masks, including in the workplace, where it is also mandatory, Angelov emphasized.
