There is global terror due to the conspiracy myth of the K-19


Germany faces a growing threat of attacks from far-right groups who deny the existence of the coronavirus pandemic and its health risks. This was stated by a senior security official in the country, quoted by Reuters.

“The apocalyptic thinking of supporters of the conspiracy myth is mixed with right-wing extremism,” Burkhard Freyer, head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in North Rhine-Westphalia, told Tagesspiegel.

This means that those who deny the coronavirus can also choose “terror as a consequence,” Fryer said.

In October, coronavirus suspects attacked the Robert Koch Institute for Disease Control in Berlin with Molotov cocktails and detonated an explosive device near the Leibniz Association, which connects nearly 100 independent research institutions in Germany, Focus said.

The biggest threat from terrorism in Germany still comes from right-wing perpetrators acting alone, like the Hanau attacker in February who killed nine immigrant families, himself and his mother, Fryer said.

