The tripartite approved an increase in the minimum cash unemployment benefit


The minimum daily amount of unemployment benefits will increase from BGN 9. to 12 BGN from October 1, 2020 This was clear after the extraordinary meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation (NCTC), convened by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy and Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova.

This increase will affect some 30,000 people on average per month, and the additional resource will be almost BGN 90 million by the end of 2020. The changes are part of the government’s socio-economic package in relation to the situation due to the spread of COVID – 19, which aims to support the unemployed in a pandemic.

In the first item on the agenda of the extraordinary meeting of the NCTS, the government and social partners discussed a bill that modifies the Budget Law of the National Health Insurance Fund for 2020, presented by the Ministry of Health.

The electronic prescription will be ready by the end of the year.

The proposed changes envisage creating a basis for the non-use of budget funds for 2020, the same that will be used for payments to hospital care providers during the previous period, which the NHIF / RHIF has established in this order.

The social partners achieved unanimous support within the framework of the Bill to Reform the Budget Law of the National Health Insurance Fund for 2020.

The NCTS also considered a Draft Law of Amendments to the State Social Security Budget Law for 2020, presented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

The term to receive monetary compensation for unemployment according to art. 54b, para. 4 of the Social Security Code (when the person has acquired the right to compensation within a period of less than 3 years from the previous use), which will be increased from 4 to 7 months. This change will affect between 13,000 and 15,000 people on average per month during the period from October 1 to December 31, 2020. The cost required for the quarterly period is estimated at about 2 million BGN.

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The total additional expenditure for the two measures amounts to BGN 14 million for 2020. It is not necessary to make an adjustment in the expenses of the Unemployment Fund, respectively, of the consolidated budget of the state social insurance. With an amendment to the State Social Security Budget Law (as amended, SG No. 34 of 04.09.2020, effective 04.09.2020), the total expenditures of the Unemployment Fund increased by BGN 1 billion. ., since the estimates for the expected execution of the consolidated budget of the state social insurance based on the data of the report as of July 31 show that at the end of the year there will be sufficient funds to cover the higher expenses of the fund.

The members of the NCTS achieved unanimous support in the framework of the Bill of Reforms to the Law of the Budget of the Social Security of the State for 2020.

On the third item on the agenda of the extraordinary meeting of the NCTS, the social partners discussed a draft Decree of the Council of Ministers supplementing the Ordinance on the salaries of civil servants.

The proposed changes to the project, agreed to by the Coalition Council and approved by the government, are part of the socio-economic measures to overcome the consequences of the epidemic crisis. It is proposed to increase by 30 percent the personnel costs of the administrations in charge of controlling the pandemic and the consequences of COVID-19, as well as of the administrations with front-line personnel whose responsibilities include the service and control of the field ”, in direct contact with other people. We refer to administrations in which the basic salaries of employees are lower than in other state institutions, in dissonance with the scope of their responsibilities and the direct risk to health.

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It is anticipated that the increase in the basic monthly salaries of the employees in the respective administrations, by no more than 30 percent of the current amount, will take effect on August 1, 2020.

The social partners did not obtain unanimous support under the draft decree of the Council of Ministers amending the ordinance on the salaries of civil servants. Since the employers’ organizations BICA and BIA do not support, and CEIBG and SSE support in principle, giving a recommendation to complement the reasons and provide importers with clear financial estimates. The unions – CITUB and LC “Apoyo” support the project of the Council of Ministers, giving specific comments and suggestions.

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