The state will allow GPs to refer for a PCR test – Health


The state will allow GPs to refer for a PCR test

© Ministry of Health

General practitioners will have the right, under strict criteria prepared by the Bulgarian Medical Union, the Ministry of Health, the Health Insurance Fund and the Bulgarian National Association of General Practitioners, to issue references for PCR testing to citizens on their lists of patients suspected of being infected with a coronavirus. This will happen after the next conclusion of an annex to the National Framework Agreement, announced the Ministry of Health after months of some doctors asking for this possibility through the media.

The goal is for all patients to have access to earlier diagnoses, which will allow people who need hospital treatment to receive it earlier, “explained the chief health inspector, Angel Kunchev, in an interview with Dnevnik. That the GP follows being the “door of the system” and in your hands will be the judgment, based on the symptoms and the patient’s condition, either to take advantage of the examination opportunities at the expense of the state or to leave it for observation. Watch the full interview with Angel Kunchev here.

Until the signing of the annex in outpatient care, referrals for CRP examination will continue to be issued by specialists in infectious diseases, pulmonology, pediatrics and ENT diseases. The new thing is that they will have the right to issue a number of referrals greater than the current one. However, it is not specified how large the number will be. They will retain the right to request investigations even after the changes announced now.

In parallel, the organization of general practitioners will prepare an algorithm for the patient’s path to the GP during the autumn-winter season. The document will be approved and distributed to all interested parties after its coordination with the Ministry of Health.

The decision was made at a meeting between the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov and the representatives of the Medical Union – Dr. Ivan Madjarov and Dr. Nikolay Branzelov, the head of the Petko Salchev Health Insurance Fund, the city of RHI-Sofia , Sofia hospitals and members of the National operational headquarters.

During the meeting, the provision of hospital beds for patients with COVID-19, current data on the spread of coronavirus infection in the country, as well as current anti-epidemic measures were also discussed.

“At this stage it is not necessary to tighten the measures, we continue to monitor all the indicators daily, weekly and for 14 days. At the moment we have no concerns about the spread of COVID-19 and the preparation of the health system,” said the chief inspector State Health Officer Angel Kunchev. during the meeting, quoted by the ministry’s press office after a record number of new infections were reported this morning since the start of the epidemic.

See the latest data on new infections here.
Watch an interview with Angel Kunchev on current affairs here.
Read the National Operational Headquarters math forecast here.
