The police will be on duty and will control compliance with the measures in the department stores!



“Teams from the Municipality of Plovdiv informed me about long lines at the cash registers, distance breaches in grocery stores and hypermarkets for household items. There were many posts on the media and social networks, which also encountered irresponsible behavior from citizens and merchants “. on the occasion of the scandal with the gathering of many people in the “Jumbo” store, despite the introduced anti-epidemic measures, the mayor of Plovdiv – Zdravko Dimitrov. And continues:

“On the eve of Christmas and New Year, everyone wants to choose gifts for their loved ones, to prepare a pleasant holiday, but is the price we will pay for it worth it? Because it will be at the expense of the health of many people.

Yesterday we organized together with the director of the senior commissioner of ODMVR-Plovdiv, Yordan Rogachev and police teams that will be on duty in front of the entrances of large stores to control the admission of customers after 17:00 on weekdays and all the Saturday and Sunday until January 2, 2021. The Municipal Police, the Municipal Security and the Municipal Inspection of Plovdiv continue with inspections at all points of sale and on public transport.

Quite a few of our fellow citizens have already been through Kovid-19, probably among them are their relatives and acquaintances, not a small percentage of those who are deteriorating and need medical attention. Following the introduction of new, stricter measures by the Minister of Health, grocery stores and household goods stores remained open, but not to meet there for gifts and purchases. Give the Bulgarian doctors, the most deserving this year, one less patient! Be responsible in the store, on the street, at home! ”
