The Nazis invented the first sex doll


Development of the armed forces

The Aryan Borhild was a comrade in arms that the soldiers carried in their rucksacks.

The goal was to avoid homosexual contact and intercourse with unclean prostitutes.

The Nazi occupation of France in 1940 led to numerous sexual contacts between German soldiers and Parisian prostitutes, leading to an outbreak of syphilis among the troops. You need to do something urgent. Initially, the military commanders simply wanted to ban such relationships, but the Third Reich authorities followed a different path: it was decided to develop an artificial woman to satisfy the soldiers’ sexual needs that would not infect them with anything. Thus was born the top-secret project of the blue-eyed blonde sex doll named Borhild, the first artificial woman in history.

Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, is responsible for the project. In a document allegedly found by journalist Norbert Lenz, Himmler wrote: “The greatest danger in Paris is the uncontrolled proliferation of saleswomen who find customers in bars, dances and other places. It is our duty not to allow the military to put their health at risk. . for brief love affairs “.

An intimate partner

The erotic doll is included as one of the mandatory things that soldiers carry with them during the campaign (when dropped, it is stored in the backpack). This would help prevent homosexuality and sexually transmitted diseases among the military (leading to “unnecessary loss” of human life) and help preserve the pure Aryan race.

Adolf Hitler personally approved the design of the doll, after which Himmler hired Franz Zuckert from the German Hygiene Museum to design it. Previously, Zuckert created “Woman of Glass”, an anatomically correct transparent mannequin, which became a real sensation in Germany in the 1930s. That is why he was given the responsible task of making an “intimate companion” for German soldiers.

But a problem arises: would soldiers agree to mate with dolls instead of live women? How to make them obey? Nazi psychiatrist Rudolf Zargeheimer wrote: “The purpose of these dolls is to help our soldiers. Their main task is to fight, not to waste time in search of sexual prey and to mix their pure Aryan blood with foreign, impure. However, no man I would prefer a doll to a real woman.

Real genitalia

And this is true, unless the doll is of the best quality. Zergerheimer lays out three basic requirements to overcome the likely reluctance of soldiers to use the wrist: When touched, the synthetic leather must feel real. The doll’s body must be as flexible and agile as possible. Genitals should look and feel real.

The team is busy. Initially, they planned to make the aluminum skeleton, but this idea was quickly rejected and they stopped at silicone. There are also strict requirements regarding the appearance of the doll. Hitler himself gave detailed instructions on what Borhild should look like: natural size, 176 cm tall, very fair skin, delicate blue eyes, large lips and large breasts, bent arms and head.

The face of the doll is very important to the Nazis, even more important than the body. The developers want to make a doll in the appearance of the Hungarian actress Kate von Nagy, but she refuses. They then decide not to give certain features to the face, leaving only blue eyes and blonde hair, so that the soldiers can think of their appearance according to their own fantasies.

The team consists of ten people and uses psychological tests to determine which one is preferred by the majority of soldiers. Borhild’s hair is short to remind its wearers that this is not the ideal of femininity, but rather a comrade in arms, part of the military.

When designing the body of the sex doll, Zuckert wants to make a solid plaster cast of a living woman and invites two athletes for this purpose. But the castings disappointed him. “It just came to our attention then. One had flabby and deformed legs, and the other had slim hips and fighter-like arms. In the end, the team focuses on a stylized image of a woman, with large breasts and an athletic figure. When the design was ready, the Nazis began to create a prototype of the doll.

Hitler is impressed

Wehrmacht soldiers first tested Borchild in 1941. The dolls were tested in the German garrison on the island of Jersey. Hitler was so impressed with the test results that he ordered 5,000 dolls for his bodyguard. In 1942, however, the project came to a standstill: many German soldiers began to be captured and refused to take the dolls with them, fearing that they would cause ridicule and harassment by the enemy. Eventually, the idea finally disappeared and all copies of Borchild were destroyed by the Allied forces during the bombing of Dresden.
