The mythical general of the transition to the left


Gen. Lyuben Gotsev is 90 years old. His health had deteriorated for several years and he could barely walk. Until a month ago, Gotsev still managed to take care of himself. Suddenly, however, his kidneys completely refused to work.

The gene died.  Lyuben gotsev

The general celebrated his 90th birthday on March 3 of this year at the iconic Monterey restaurant. Lyuben Gotsev drank three times for the anniversary. He celebrated his vacation first with his family and then with his former associates, generals, judges, prosecutors, bankers, and others from Monterey. Mladen Mihalev-Majo and Petya Slavova also paid their respects to the birthday boy.

Gen. Gotsev is the man associated with the country’s “gray cardinal” along with the mythical Monterey circle as a mentor to new entrepreneurs at the beginning of the transition.

The so-called Monterey Circle is made up of friends, former employees of State Security, the Home Office, and intelligence. Mythical influence is attributed to them as “personal of the transition”.

Lyuben gotsev

Lyuben gotsev

Photos: “Bulfoto”

Here are the testimonies of Lyuben Gotsev himself:

When I was working for an Eastern European oil company in the early 1990s, I was staying at the Orbita Hotel, where the PEC office was located. That’s where the comments about your closeness to these people begin. He denied it in our conversation years ago: “All the employees of the different companies were seen down in the cafe. (at the Orbita hotel) “Hello, hello, hello, hello!” I didn’t know who these guys were. We met and parted ways. A year later we found out our names: “Hello, General Gotsev!” “Hello!” But it was never a business – let’s make this deal, let’s make that deal! There was no such thing! And this can be verified, not just to say: and Majo with him!

Gen. Atanas Semerdzhiev arrives at the reception on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Gen. Lyuben Gotsev

Gen. Atanas Semerdzhiev arrives at the reception on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Gen. Lyuben Gotsev

Photo: BulFoto

And he adds: “How can I consult it ?! How? They are bankers, businessmen, I have nothing to do with these things! the reason the Margini brothers want to kill me is this – they think I was an advisor to Maggio and the others – how to survive. That’s why they ordered me! But why they think that is another matter. Maybe they hate Mladen and envy him for going further in business because he’s smarter. The disputes between them were serious. “

Ivan Kostov called him “godfather of the Bulgarian mafia”, and Gotsev threatens to sue him, but hesitates: “I consulted with prominent lawyers and they advised me, admits the general in the same interview:” Do not deal with this nonsense, because Kostov speaks on behalf of his UDF party, it does not offend you personally. You will crawl through the corridors of the Judicial Chamber for years and nothing will come out! “Kostov said these words in parliament not only for me, but also for General Brigo Asparuhov, General Todor Boyadzhiev, General Marinchevski, General Georgi Lambov. And Colonel Pavel Nikolov. It was just that the BSP deputies had to defend ourselves in parliament then, to refute this claim. But that did not happen. “

With Svetlana Sharenkova

With Svetlana Sharenkova

Photo: BulFoto

Gen. Gotsev also tells how he got into an Eastern European oil company; his boss, Dimitar Dimitrov, claims that by inviting the general, they saved him from starvation: “Mitko Dimitrov said he was giving me about $ 2,500 a month. To prove it! People, as colleagues! They were all former DS employees, I don’t know. they fell from Mars … They invited me to go and help with connections and opportunities, I didn’t go to ask them. I left because I realized I had no place with them. That’s why I’m angry. “

On the occasion of the legend of the mythical circle “Monterey”, Bulgarian leader Gen. Gotsev is adamant: “Years ago I said: ‘Whoever, come to Monterey restaurant next Tuesday, to see what our meetings are!’ And actually a lot of journalists came. But instead of stopping, they continued with the fantasies: Monterey. ” makes governments, overthrow governments. Monterey is a manufacture, a windmill, as I have said many times …

We were under a glass cover every day and every hour of their time: they could record, trap, hang, slaughter, they knew everything that was said there. Why did they keep quiet, but didn’t say? Here are the criminals. “

Gen. Rumen Ralchev: Lyuben Gotsev was not a Freemason

With Rumen Ralchev (left) at the premiere of

With Rumen Ralchev (left) at the premiere of “Diplomatic Encyclopedia”

Photos: BulFoto

With gen. We have known Lyuben Gotsev since the 1980s. We met more often after 1989. I was not a member of the so-called Monterey Circle of Friends, although I have visited them several times. We met in another place. An experienced man, confident in himself, very learned. He had the ability to analyze the situation in political life with great precision. Ten years ago, with a team of professors, we wrote a 6-volume diplomatic encyclopedia, and the editor-in-chief was Lyuben Gotsev, whose contribution was invaluable.

He was not a Mason, although he was interested in everything, including Freemasonry, the Templars, but only for information.

Pavel Naidenov, father of the head of “Multigroup” Iliya Pavlov: My son and I were close to the general

Pavel Naidenov with his son Iliya Pavlov

Pavel Naidenov with his son Iliya Pavlov

Gen. Gotsev was a man who supported people who wanted to do business. He and I were close, and so was my son Elijah, but with that closeness we did not want to take advantage of each other and we complemented each other. We wanted to update, not tear down. The state needed us because we created 2,000 jobs and he understood these things.

We were not against state and gen interests. Gotsev saw all this.

More about gen. Lyuben Gotsev from his personal file HERE

Peace to your dust!
