The mystery surrounding the disappearance of 2-year-old Mehmed from Yakoruda is growing


There is no sign of violence against 2-year-old Mehmed from Yakoruda, who mysteriously disappeared into the forest overnight.

Traces of injuries to the boy’s arms and legs were caused by thorny bushes in the forest as he walked barefoot to where a ranger found him. This is demonstrated by the medical examination carried out by Dr. Yani Zlatev, who prepared the experience, reports BNT.

Dr. Zlatev added that no fingerprints or bruises were found on the boy’s body. The medical exam is expected to finish at the end of the month.

Mehmed disappeared in front of his house on September 24. Dozens of police officers, firefighters, mountain rescuers, sniffer dogs and volunteers joined the search for the boy. After he was found in good health, he spent the night at Razlog Hospital, where he was examined.

The grandmother tried to talk to the boy about what happened, but did not say anything.

The family has three more children. The prosecution continues the investigation, all versions of the child’s disappearance are being verified. It is still unclear how Mehmed walked almost 2 km from his home only to get lost in the forest or for some other reason.

