The Mayor of Plovdiv: And today I have a fever, this virus repeats itself


Zdravko Dimitrov is still in the hospital.

More municipalities overthrown by infection

Plovdiv Mayor Zdravko Dimitrov, who has been hospitalized since Saturday, has returned to fever today. “The virus repeats itself to me. There is no healthy person, no athlete. The infection is insidious,” said the mayor from his hospital bed. His treatment continues with antibiotics, which are given to him through systems.

His symptoms appeared two weeks ago. Dimitrov himself said that in the first three days he was quite ill: headache, fever, joint and muscle pain. A week after his diagnosis, he said he was better, but on Saturday he developed a fever and was admitted to the hospital. It has been in systems ever since.

The head of the municipality’s Public Procurement Directorate, Todor Todorov, is also with COVD, he told “On Thursday I lost my sense of smell, the next day my CRP was positive. They are treating me at home with Azax, vitamin D, isoprinosine. I am worried about my parents because they live downstairs,” added the lawyer. He also fears that the virus will enter the lower respiratory tract and cause pneumonia. This is what happened with his brother, who lives in Burgas.

Radina Andreeva from the Directorate of Ecology in Plovdiv Municipality also has a coronavirus. She is the wife of GERB City Councilor Angel Slavov. “My wife has tested positive for five days, I have not been tested, but I am afraid it did not happen to me,” Slavov explained.

In addition to Zdravko Dimitrov, his deputies Anesti Timchev, Plamen Raichev and Velichko Rodopski, as well as the chief of health, Dr. Kalin Kalino, have the coronavirus.
