The mayor of Gabrovo personally pays for the New Year’s concert


Gabrovo Mayor Tanya Hristova

Gabrovo Mayor Tanya Hristova will pay BGN 3,000 for an act imposed on the municipality by the local health inspection for the New Year’s concert in the square on December 30. The lavish event fired in 2020, which brought together more than 4,000 people in violation of the measures ordered against the coronavirus, outraged the Minister of Health, Professor Kostadin Angelov.

He promised that there would be a penalty for the organizers.

“I would like to inform you that today, in my capacity as Mayor of Gabrovo, RHI – Gabrovo handed me a Law to establish an administrative infraction for the concert in Vazrazhdane Square on December 30, 2020. I signed the law without objection.” Tanya Hristova wrote on Facebook.

The mayor also says that the institution of the Municipality of Gabrovo should not carry this penalty. “I will make the financial commitment for her personally,” he said.

The RHI clarified that this is the maximum amount of the fine for gathering large numbers of people in one place during the pandemic.
