The manipulation was successful because it divided people even more.


Today, as we celebrate the Union, we are again divided. Again.

Today I wonder what the meaning of truth is! But of that, the True Truth! The one who is born in the dispute. And today there is not even a dispute. Everyone has their own truth! And it doesn’t recognize, respect, or trust anyone who doesn’t share the exact same truth!

Split time! Time for extremes! A time when hatred prevails over normality!

When everyone sees the fever in another’s eye, but not the lightning bolt in theirs! Difficulties!

There have been and will be moments like this. And when they do, someone still has to stand in the middle and put order. Today, this role belongs to the police! But who loves the police? They are always to blame, right?

But we, the police, have something to say about the truth! We who are there when they hit us, they hit us with cobblestones and bombs, they hit us with glass bottles and stones! During my 23 years as a police officer, I participated in almost every riot! I tried to be somewhere, up front! During this time, the parties changed, aligned themselves in any way, in power or in opposition. And I remember how we were always guilty!

And you know how it feels when you see your injured teammates fall one by one? And one more … Ten, twenty … But they stand up and resist! Even the bloodied are back in the ranks in minutes! Why?

And on the other side? Persons! Many people! Thousands! Some of them: acquaintances, even friends. From the neighborhood, from the school or from the barracks! Others: strangers, young and old, normal people. Come express your opinion! But on this day, on this very special day, before which calls for escalation and “uprisings” were heard everywhere, other people appeared. Did they all differ from them? I was there and saw that NO. Unfortunately, negativity and aggression attract each other. Many people are delusional. Good thing half of them were disgusted and backed off after all! But many others got involved! Let’s be honest, it wasn’t just hooligans who pushed, hit and threw! Many ordinary-looking people were also deceived by the aggression!

Why did the police wait for all this shelling? And isn’t it because you wanted to give the really peaceful protesters time to pull out? For more than 30 minutes, the loudspeaker asked people to disperse. These calls were booed.

All those who incite violence and call for escalation, do you realize that this could have cost a human life? To a Bulgarian, be it a protester, a policeman or a journalist! Do you realize that the main credit for this not happening was the police?

But again, everyone sees only his truth! And the enemy is sought! With no one else around, it’s easy for people in uniform to be your enemy. Who loves them! They probably don’t have mothers and fathers, children and relatives! We can hate them at will! Because they, the police, are showing “brutal violence”, they deserve the hatred to the end!

Let’s burn hay under their feet, flood them with gasoline, throw bombs at their heads. Let’s kill them with cobblestones!

Yes, this is the thinking of people who hate! Hate is the driving force in their lives. I am not talking about them.

I wonder about the others, the normal ones. Why do you think the police did not show their “brutal violence” the day before? Or the previous one? Or last month? (Yes, then some were burned and suffered the consequences). They are bad.

Simply because everyone who has chosen to be a cop wants to go home after a hard day too. You don’t want to be physically and mentally humiliated. You don’t want to confront people. You have no desire to compound your already difficult day by detaining innocent people, which can only lead to problems in your head. But when you cross the border, you need to act.

And for all specialists in “Police tactics” and “Mass psychology”, it is easy to be in front of the television and in front of the computer, it is easy to criticize without responsibility. They have taught me to accept criticism. I learn from her. But it only makes sense when it is objective and constructive, not stigmatizing.

In a riot, the police have tasks and priorities! It’s easy to criticize, to say how it should have happened! But decisions made in a crisis situation are aimed at minimizing the harmful effects that can occur. It is impossible to prevent them completely, simply because the other party has other intentions!

And their goals were achieved!

But not because the police didn’t do it, on the contrary, as I read in an article yesterday, they did surprisingly well. No one was seriously injured!

Not! The manipulation was successful because it divided people even more!

Friends of journalists, I will admire the first of you to gather at least three opinions from foreign and impartial experts to evaluate police actions. But please let them be foreigners, let us also see their truth! It may turn out that the way the Bulgarian police dealt with this situation is actually “almost” perfect! Because in mass riots there is no painless way out. There is no possibility of escape without victims. There is no winner! Everyone suffers! Or maybe except for those who intended to challenge them!

And if someone takes this task objectively, let some of your questions be:

– Is it possible to eliminate a group of 700-800 or more aggressors from a crowd of many thousands? Because this is not a rice dish that you can remove the black grains with a pair of tweezers.

– Would other people differentiate themselves and cooperate, or would they prefer to recognize the police as enemies and oppose them?

– Is it possible not to allow these people to attend a rally, to prevent them from going? Wouldn’t this be considered a violation of your right to protest? Would you then wonder why the police violated your right?

– Do foreign police forces use aerosols, water cannons and other aids?

– How do people stay in such a crowd? Do violators voluntarily obey or do the rules require two or three police officers to use force and special devices to stop them?

– Should we wait for the right moment to act in order to give peaceful protesters time to withdraw, even if that puts the health and lives of the police at risk?

And each time more …

However, only those who do not have “wide eyes” for all points of view can think about this! For those who are driven by hatred and for those who are eternally critical, it doesn’t make sense!

They raised me to respect other people’s opinions. But also to defend mine!

Colleagues, you are the positive heroes of the past ugly and shameful day! Many others should be ashamed! And we are part of the people! Unity is strength!

Happy Holidays to all!

One of you!

(From Facebook)
