The luckiest for 2021 according to astrologer Tamara Globa – ᐉ Curious • lifestyle news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


We all hope that 2021 will be much better than 2020. At this stage, astrologers say that, in fact, the next few months will be significantly happier and more successful than the last 12. Astrologer Tamara Globa pointed out three other zodiac signs for which 2021 will be is beyond amazing. According to her, they will be very lucky and happiness and success will always accompany them throughout the year.

Here are the three zodiac signs that will be extremely happy and successful in 2021:


Already in January, you will understand the solution to a long-standing mystery and will be able to understand why your life has developed in this way and not in another. “This year you will have a great choice in all aspects. But in any case, Fate will be on your side and will only prepare pleasant surprises for you”, astrologer Tamara Globa is categorical.


Virgo will find the meaning of their lives and the joy and what they have missed so much for their true happiness. “This year you will meet your partner. You can even live together. Besides, your feelings will get stronger every day,” promises the astrologer.


“This year will be very happy for you. You will experience another difficult moment, but then you will take a sharp and successful leap into the future. Believe me, happiness cannot be avoided”, Tamara Globa is categorical.
