The Interior Minister promised a 30% increase in police salaries


The requested increase of up to 30 percent of salaries in the Interior Ministry has already been announced in the Finance Ministry, Interior Minister Hristo Terziiski reported from the parliamentary rostrum.

He recalled that some BGN 54 million have already been promised for a 10 percent increase from January 1. It will cover almost 48,000 people.

There will be a new round of talks with the unions next week, Terziiski added.

And yesterday the police continued the relay protest, which reached Blagoevgrad, Gotse Delchev and Sandanski.

They insisted on joining more than 30 state administrations working at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19.

Initially, there was only one proposal for a 10% increase, which is enshrined in the proposed budget for 2021.

This did not satisfy the industry because it was done at the last minute.

Terziiski also discussed the case of the GDCOP’s invasion in the wrong direction.

Due to the case, sanctions were imposed on the team leader and the department head. On the same day, the family, whose door was broken, received an apology and a new one was installed.

After the action against the group, there are five defendants, and during searches in other addresses a little more than 18,000 BGN, police attributes and real estate documents were found.

On the current topic: quarantine

To date, at 8:20 a.m., more than 33,000 people have been quarantined by health authorities.

Terziiski summarized the interaction between the Ministry of Power and the health authorities in the epidemic situation in relation to the spread of the coronavirus.

According to the data presented by him, it was only yesterday / October 29 / that six pre-trial proceedings and six files were initiated / in the event of repeated violation of quarantine, for which a report is expected in the respective prosecutor’s office /. The warning protocols for not wearing a protective mask just for yesterday are 894.

Since the start of the pandemic in March of this year. So far, more than 310,000 people have been quarantined and one of the activities of the Interior Ministry is how these people comply with the provision, Terziiski explained.

Since March 13, more than 3,108 pre-trial proceedings have been initiated for violation of quarantine, which have been reported to the respective prosecutors. freedom, said the minister.

More than 23,000 acts have been written for infraction of lighter sanitary regulations, mainly for not wearing a mask. In addition, police warnings are issued.

After the issuance of the relevant quarantine protocols to a person, the RHIs enter them in an information file, which is managed by them, then through secure channels the data enters the Ministry of the Interior, where a system is fed geographic and territorial-based information. are provided to the relevant police structures, Hristo Terziiski described the technology.
