The health system is “suffocating”: the Sofia Emergency Service responded to more than 1000 signals over the weekend


Today, the number of new infected with coronavirus in our country is lower compared to the previous days: 327, but in the context of fewer tests carried out. The number of hospital advances continues to increase. There are already more than 2,000. The number of infected doctors is also growing. Just here at Pirogov with COVID-19 there are 60 staff members.

In the hospitals in the “orange” and “red” areas, admission and planned operations were stopped, against which both the class and the patient organizations declared. These same hospitals must also provide a certain number of beds for COVID patients, which is debatable whether it is possible everywhere, especially in specialized hospitals.


Resignation to RZISofia

Meanwhile, it became clear that the head of the Sofia Regional Sanitary Inspectorate, Dancho Penchev, has resigned. The Health Ministry does not specify the reason and if the resignation has something to do with the decision to lift the quarantines of the president and the prime minister, after contacts with infected people.

The situation to Urgent help

The ambulance is also having difficulty breathing. 1000 signals in two days! This is the balance of last Saturday and Sunday: 200 of them were patients with COVID-19 proven or suspected of having it. The calls continue today and our team followed the change.

“We are responding to a patient with COVID accompanying asthma, it will most likely get worse, we will assess whether there is a need for hospitalization,” explained Dr. Darko Manchevski from CSMP – Sofia.


After a 30-minute exam, doctors determined that the woman did not need to be hospitalized. “Even without that, we do 200 addresses per shift, and now we do more than 300, you can imagine what the workload is, it takes a lot of effort,” said the emergency honey. sister Iva Katsarova.

The situation in hospitals

Hospitals also “suffocate”. The COVID ward was opened at St. Sofia Hospital in Sofia at the beginning of the crisis, but was later closed because no patients were referred. Now it is opened again by order of the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

Hospitals in the “red” areas must designate at least 10% of their beds for the treatment of COVID patients. For MHAT “St. Sophia” this means 50 beds.


“We have beds, we do not have people who can treat in these beds. If the state, in the person of the government, does not take urgent action, all drugs will soon kneel,” said MHAT “St. Sofia” owner Dr. Hristo Mazneykov.

At UMHAT “SOFIAMED” in Sofia, the existing COVID room will be expanded to fulfill the order. “The main thing is to reorganize the specialists, because this is the biggest problem in the whole country. Now we will also hire specialists, that is. graduates who do not have a specialty, “said Dr. Ivan Kolchakov, member of the board of UMHAT” SOFIAMED “.

All hospitals, without exception, must determine the mandatory number of beds for COVID patients in the orange and red areas. The order is in effect from yesterday until the end of November.
