The head of the Ministry of the Interior in Plovdiv with an emotional speech for the increase of infected people!



In the conditions of growth in the number of infected people and medical personnel with covid 19, the director of the Plovdiv Regional Directorate of the Interior Ministry calls on the residents of the district to wear protective masks in closed public places.

“Self-discipline comes first, but I urge everyone from the owner of a small neighborhood store, a pharmacy, or a large retail store, to remember when a customer walks in that the use of protective gear is recommended. Let’s save human lives, because it is the most valuable capital “.

S t. Commissioner Yordan Rogachev expressed his personal support and commitment to the medical staff working in medical establishments on the territory of the district, who are the first to face the virus in person and fight it with all possible strength, even if it costs their personal health and tranquility. , addressing them words of thanks for their tireless work:

“Dear doctors, nurses, midwives, nurses, I appeal to everyone, from the first to the last, even in the most remote corner of our area. I do it with gratitude, respect and esteem for what they do 24 hours a day during the professional day. Your activity, especially in the last eight months, and this is the most important thing: you are fighting for people’s lives and health.

You face the challenge called COVID-19 and you are at the forefront to overcome its consequences. You are subjected to enormous physical and mental stress on a daily basis, which inevitably affects you and your loved ones. I realize that our entire society owes them a lot and I hope that we will quickly realize that. But do not be afraid and do not lose faith, because you are all our bright hope in uncertain and dynamic times. Rest assured, you are not alone!

All the staff of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior in Plovdiv are by your side, we support you, we trust you and we will continue to help you overcome daily difficulties. We do it because we are called to work together for the public interest! To those of you who need to be treated, I wish you a speedy and full recovery so you can return to the front lines! Good luck and forward! ”
